Month: October 2022

Final Conference in Brussels
- Post author By enneproject
- Post date 7 October 2022
- No Comments on Final Conference in Brussels

The ENNE project final event on “Quality mobility for the enhancement of VET”, took place in Brussels on 23 September 2022 at Umbria Region Office.
After a welcoming from the Umbria Region representatives and project coordinator we introduced our guests:
- Anna Barbieri, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – European Commission; discussion on the EU ongoing and upcoming initiatives for the promotion and enhancement of VET
>> Presentation
All partners presented the main project’s results and outputs:
- Charline Van Osselaer, Manager at Connectief on Report on national focus groups for setting up VET Excellence networks in partner countries;
>> Presentation - Jan Mueller, Project manager at Wisamar on MOOC on “Quality of mobility projects in VET”;
>> Presentation - Ylenia Cariani, Communication Manager at EGInA on Blended course on KA2 Erasmus+ Proposal writing;
>> Presentation - Anie Antonova, Project Manager at ECQ on Quality Assurance System for transnational mobility;
>> Presentation - Claudia Amaro, Project Manager at Arts&Skills on Internationalization activities for the enhancement of VET centres
>> Presentation
There has been a Panel discussion on VET challenges with local and national VET stakeholders, moderated by Ben Bruyndonckx, the International mobility coordinator at Connectief:
- Jens Vermeersch, Coordinator Internationalisation at GO! from Belgium;
- Margherita Battaglini, VET Teacher and Erasmus+ coordinator from Italy;
- Sandra Machado, School board representative at Agrupamento de Escolas Francisco de Holanda from Portugal;
- Manuela Vogelsang, VET teacher of RHS Chemnitz.
The following session was online with Laura Cremonte, Project Designer at EGInA and Coordinator of the Blended Course implemented.
The other guests discussed “The VET Mobility outside the EU borders
- From Italy to Japan: Maurizio Morini, VET teacher and Erasmus+ coordinator at IO Dante Alighieri of Nocera Umbra;
- From Belgium to South Africa: Guillaume Goes, former VET student at VTI Oostende
>> Presentation
The final panel of the conference was focused on the ENNE Policy Recommendations moderated by Altheo Valentini, ENNE project coordinator:
- VET providers, represented by
- Valentina Chanina, Project and office manager at EfVET – European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training;
- Susanne M. Nielsen, Knowledge Hub Expert at ETF – European Training Foundation
- Intermediary organisations, represented by
- Manuel Ribeiro Bacelar, President of EAQOM – European Association of Quality Organisations in Mobility
- Companies, represented by
- Pierluigi Befera, Training Support Manager at Sabena Aerospace Engineering.
- Pierluigi Befera, Training Support Manager at Sabena Aerospace Engineering.
The final conference concluded the discussion on the next steps for the ENNE Networks’ sustainability.
VR for vocational training in the hospitality sector
- Post author By enneproject
- Post date 7 October 2022
- No Comments on VR for vocational training in the hospitality sector

VET VR ACADEMY seeks to address the particular challenges posed by COVID19 to hospitality education with digital innovations: a transnational online learning platform and interactive VR environments.
The Covid 19 pandemic has undoubtedly had a devastating impact on the hospitality industry across Europe. Vocational training in the sector, for which work experience in internships and training companies is essential, has also been severely affected. This is confirmed byresults of a stocktaking carried out in the framework of the Erasmus+ project VET VR ACADEMY in the five partner countries France, Spain, Cyprus, Denmark and Germany: Training institutions have been keen to adapt quickly to these changes. The digitalisation of classrooms has made it possible to continue training as much as possible. However, the unwillingness of some VET providers to invest in technological equipment and tools, the difficult financial situation during the pandemic and the lack of digital skills among teachers and trainers led to many delays and problems in implementing existing programmes and designing new ones. These impairments also affected the content, examinations and training successes as well as the attractiveness of the occupational profiles and training as a whole. In addition, practical work experience in particular, which is essential in this field, was lacking during training.
Digital tools as an answer to the specific challenges
Building on these survey results , the partnership is now preparing to develop an online learning platform and virtual reality environments for targeted training in the hospitality sector. The online platform will include at least three modules: interpersonal skills, technical skills and specific skills related to the professional environment.
The VR environments, will enable VET learners in the hospitality sector to gain insight into and train professional practices in the hospitality sector in the partner countries, will cover five thematic areas and be available in French, Spanish, English, German and Greek:
– Setting a table
– Cocktail preparation
– Serve und clear meals
– Flambé at the table
– Hygiene and cleaning
These tools can be used not only to enhance and complement on-site vocational training, but also to support language learning and prepare for mobility abroad.

Twenty-one students and three teachers from three vocational schools (National High School in Finance and Business – Sofia, Vocational High School of Economics “G.S. Rakovski” – Yambol and The School of Commerce – Burgas) took part in the project “Multicultural work experience for successful career start” – JobStart, № 2020-1-BG01-KA102-078660. The project is implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 1, VET Sector. The consortium is led and coordinated by the “Europrojects” Foundation – Sofia, Bulgaria.
Students underwent a two-week internship in the Spanish organization M&M Profuture Traning S.L. in the period 07-21 August, 2022. Beneficiaries increased their professional skills and competencies by preparing PESTLE and SWOT analysis, business plan, analysis of the organizational structure and different financing alternatives, application of brainstorming techniques and more. Moreover, participants increased their business English, broadened their viewpoint and learned about the Spanish culture and traditions.
The theoretical knowledge and practical skills were certified by a EUROPASS Mobility document and a Certificate of Professional Practice.
JobStart project promotes the interaction between the world of school and the business reality, stimulates the acquisition of skills and the achievement of personal development, invests in activities representing added value for young people and supports equal access for all to high-quality education and practice.