Vocational High School of Economics and Tourism „Aleko Konstantinov“
Address: 49 Saedinenie rd, Europe, 4600, Velingrad, Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 0359 54075
Website: www.pgit-velingrad.com
Main working field(s) of the Job-shadowing activity
Economics and tourism, еffective cooperation with partners from the business; inclusive education and personal support; new opportunities in technology.
Good practice or activities to share
New methods in the teaching of professions in the field of tourism. Exploiting the capabilities of technology in training. Inclusive education and personal support.
Expectations for future collaborations
We would like to try KA2 projects on topics related to the economy and tourism, inclusive education and personal supportл We would also like to work on topics related to the digital competences of students and teachers/ digital marketing, using different platforms etc.
Expectations regarding the profile of staff to host
We would like our guests- international staff to be specialists in the sphere of tourism/people who teach or work with students and have good experience in cooperation with business. It is good to be more experienced in technologies too.
Overall program for the job-shadowing opportunity
Day 1 – Showing the school, acquaintance with the specialities studied at the school, meeting with teachers, administrative staff and students.
Day 2 – Lesson observation -/ innovative practice/ professional subject and foreign language/ and discussion; tasting of typical dishes of local cuisine.
Day3 – Meeting with colleagues, teaching professional subjects – sharing good practices.
Day4- Visiting interesting places in Velingrad – the SPA capital of the Balkans.
Day5 – Working together to create a lesson; farewell Something like this.
From 14th to 25th March 2022
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Този проект е финансиран с подкрепата на европейската
Комисията. Този уебсайт отразява вижданията само на авторите,
и Комисията не носи отговорност за начина, по който би могла да бъде използвана съдържащата се в него информация.
Номер на споразумението: Nr 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR