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Capacity Building of VET Staff

The thematic discussion on the topic Capacity Building of VET STAFF was moderated by Ms Darina Petrunova and Mrs Vanya Neycheva from European Center for Quality, Bulgaria.
In total 5 good practices -2 from Bulgaria and 3 from Belgium were presented. The good practices were related to the improvement of VET staff skills through participation in international teaching activities and working meetings and structured VET trainings.

  • Good practice 1 – Vocational High School of Electrical Engineering, Galabovo, Bulgaria
    In February 2020 the team of the school held a working meeting with teachers from the Edirne Vocational High School in Turkey. Some specifics of the Turkish educational system were also highlighted and the teachers exchanged different ideas and best practices of teaching methodologies and techniques in the field of Electrical engineering.
  • Good practice 2 – Diagnose Car – Connectief, Belgium
    It is a collaboration between the private sector and the ministry of education. In this project, private companies give access to the schools to a variety of modern cars with network technology, diagnostic equipment and technical data. All participating teachers receive Train the trainer sessions depending on the cars. 
  • Good practice 3 – RTC East-Flanders, Belgium
    RTC main objective is to activate and reinforce cooperation between education,  companies and other labor market actors by connecting schools and businesses, sharing technology infrastructure and equipment and competence enhancement of teachers and students.
  • Good practice 4 – CREATE project, Syntra West, Belgium
    The project aimed to organize 6 mobilities placement for 20 Belgian teachers in Barcelos, Portugal in the summer of 2019. The focus at CRE-ATE is on ICT-supporting teaching and the train-the-trainer principle. The project goal is not only to provide teachers with ICT skills, but also to give them a practical approach by using coaching methodology.
  • Good practice 5 – FUTURE FOR US, Bulgaria
    The project was implemented by the Vocational high School of Construction and Woodworking ” Nedyo Ranchev “Stara Zagora and the teachers conducted a training placement in Barcelona in 2019. The main aim was to stimulate the use of digital methods by studying and introducing innovative pedagogical approaches and setting up a mediation team at school to reduce aggressive events, conflict situations and the number of dropouts of school children.

The thematic room gathered in total of 33 participants – many VET teachers, project coordinators; 3 management representatives and other stakeholders.  Representatives from Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria, Albania, Ukraine joined the discussion. According to the participants the most suitable types of staff, mobilities are structured VET training and job shadowing. Moreover, 22 participants responded and highlighted that the main obstacles they face for participating in VET staff mobility projects are the language barriers and insufficient opportunities.

To conclude it can be stated that the content presented during the event was engaging and beneficial for the participants and space for networking was provided.

Capacity Building VET Staff: Resources available

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Sustainable Development Goals

ENNE Project coordinated an international online conference on November the 9th named VET4FUTURE.

The conference introduced to the future of vocational education thanks to Mr. Luca Pirozzi Policy Officer for VET at EAECA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission)

The ZOOM event organized into 5 breakout rooms each of these dedicated to a specific thematic:

  • Recognition/validation of competences in WBL (Work Based Learning – national traineeships/transnational mobility/etc.)
  • Social Inclusion in VET (Disabilities, migrants, economic disadvantages, etc.)
  • Digital transformation / Distance Learning
  • Sustainability and contribution of VET to the achievement of UN Agenda 2030 SDGs
  • Capacity building of VET Staff

In the ZOOM breakout room dedicated to “Sustainability and contribution of VET to the achievement of UN agenda 2030 SDGs” the VET European schools members of the ENNE Network presented and shared their “best practices” in order to show how it is possible to boost ideas and collect contributions for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation.

  1. Sandro Pertini Institute of Afragola (Naples, Italy) presented its motto: “Sustain sustainable school”. The institute established a “free plastic week” and arranged interactive exhibitions where students can experiment the condition of being costumers and citizens passing through production activities. An opportunity to raise awareness on reducing waste through prevention, reduction and recycling;
  2. The Alfonso Casanova Institute of Napoli (Italy) – in order to encourage students in engagement in favor of disadvantaged people – planned the realization of packaging for removable dental prosthesis for prisoners. This allows the development of transversal skills;
  3. The National High school in Finance and Business of Sophia (Bulgaria) dedicates a school area to those students who have ideas in terms of contributing to the achievement of the UN goals arranging drawers to collect the students’ views. Other activities concern the realization of usable objects or art creations using only trash or garbage items.
  4. The Orfini Institute of Foligno (Perugia, Italy) promoted the involvement of VET-schools in the development of sustainable urban centers establishing VET education programs relevant to the development of sustainable urban centers. The activities also concern the enhancement of cooperation and entrepreneurship creative skills among students.

Sustainable Development Goals: Resouces Available

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Recognition and Validation of Competences in WBL

To celebrate the formal establishment of the 5 VET networks, ENNE’s project partners have decided to organise an online Conference, during the European Vocational Skills Week, to foster a first meeting between their VET communities, where they could interact and work towards their common goal – the Enhancement of VET quality and attractiveness

Arts & Skills was responsible for moderating the thematic session “Recognition and Validation of Competences in Work Based Learning”.

National or international WBL programs are targeted to bridge the gap between the learning environment and real work environment, and different WBL strategies provide career awareness, career exploration opportunities, career planning activities and help students attain competencies such as positive work attitudes and other employable skills.

The recognition and validation of competencies in WBL environments refer to the identification and appreciation of the skills and competencies that an individual acquires through a work-based learning experience.
Although, WBL experiences can have different forms ((apprenticeship, internship, service learning, school-based enterprise, or industry projects) they should be well planned, monitored and assessed properly to become relevant for 

The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is one of the most relevant EU frameworks developed to help the VET community implementing high-quality WBL programs:   

  • ECVET provides a framework for the assessment, validation and recognition of learning outcomes, alongside a series of common tools and instruments able to support quality in mobility. 
  • ECVET promotes the integration of mobility into existing learning pathways. 
  • ECVET contributes to the development of a common language for use by different VET stakeholders and promotes mutual trust within the wider VET community. 
  • ECVET supports the valorisation of key competences (such as foreign language skills or intercultural competence) alongside those that are more technically – or vocationally – oriented. 

The implementation of ECVET was referred during the best practices presented by six of our network members, from Portugal, Italy and Germany, who shared with the audience good practices implemented by their VET organizations and related to WBL experiences.

Ms. Sonia Barani, from the “Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland”, Germany, presented the MeMeVET project (mechatronics and metallurgical VET for sectors’ industries) and its outcomes. The project, implemented in 5 countries (DE, IT, ES, BG, SK) aimed at tackling some of the main issues impeding free mobility of workers and VET learners of the sector in Europe. One of the main issues is related to the difficulty of having one’s competencies and know-how recognized in another EU country. Another one, concerns the gap between the training and learning offer of VET institutions and the real needs of the labour market.

Ms Joana Soares from EP Felgueiras, Portugal, shared with the participants their experience in VET-Business cooperation at local and regional level concerning Curriculum development; Matching supply and demand of technicians; Development of technological devices (e.g. Robots) for the local industry; Social Inclusion and Monitoring of trainees after the completion of the course.

Ms. Margherita Battaglini, from ITE SCARPELLINI – Foligno, Italy, offered an overview of their experience with the implementation of ECVET not only on Transnational, but also National WBL experiences.

Ms. Alessia Montanucci, from I.O. Salvatorelli Moneta Marsciano, Italy, presented a mobility experience developed in Malta in 2019, that involved 15 students from the 3rd and the 4th year of high school. The internships  were held at local businesses: museums, shops, state agencies, cruises for tourists, etc. which she had the opportunity to accompany for the whole training period.

From Portugal, Mr. Edgar Costa, from Vocational School Bento Jesus Caraça, shared how they adapted mandatory WBL experiences that should have been developed in a real working context, to a successful simulated business context due to the confinement imposed by COVID 19. 

Mr Ferenc Naacke from “Berufliches Schulzentrum für Wirtschaft in Dresden, Germany, presented the “Healthy Lifestyle” Project and the approach that allowed their organization to implement 70 internships abroad, in 8 different countries, for students from the Social Insurance Course, whose training focuses mainly on administrative work of social insurance clerks, but not on the background knowledge in advising insured people on the prevention of diseases.

This session showed us how diverse work-based learning strategies can be and how multiple approaches can be addressed by VET organizations to improve and enhance VET quality and attractiveness.

We hope we have brought some inspiration to our audience for further projects and cooperation among our VET Community. 

Recognition and Validation of Competences in Work-Based Learning: Resources available

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Digital transformation and distance learning

Digital transformation and distance learning have been a hot topic since the Covid-19 outbreak.
This was also clear during the inscriptions for this theme at VET4FUTURE.
We give you a brief overview of the good practices that were shared.

BLEFT is an EU project for the development of e-learning modules in forestry. In Saxony (Germany) the official LernSax was put into service during the lockdown. Students and teachers worked online and found each other on this well-equipped platform for lessons, meetings, etc.
In Portugal, the Escola profissional C.J. de Campanha should find a new way to publish student work in graphic media. For this they used a virtual exhibition. Italian Fondazione Lepido Rocco bundled a lot of good practices on the website from which we discovered a CLIL training and the Sherwood project.
Finally, we have introduced to google classroom thanks to the tourist vocational school Aleko Konstantinov from Bulgaria.

Digital transformation and distance learning: Resources available

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Social Inclusion in VET

The first out of 20 principals of the European Pillar of Social Rights is devoted to education, training and life-long learning: 

Everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market.”


All around Europe, we can find numerous initiatives, projects and programmes supporting the inclusion of disadvantaged people in education and by this into work. They also show that the implementation of social inclusion in education and specifically in VET also depends on the structure of the educational system and relevant national policies in each country.
Following, we are going to introduce three good practices presented during the VET4FUTURE conference

  • Individualised Education Plan
    The Istituto Omnicomprensivo Giano dell’Umbria – Bastardo from Italy started working with Individualised Educational Plans (IEP) in 2019. It is a holistic approach to education enhancing the capabilities of the students, which do not only include academic, but also social competencies and life skills. The approach is carried throughout the whole cycle of education starting from primary school until secondary school including vocational education and training. Moreover, IEPs can be applied not only to disadvantaged but all students. Each student is assessed, individual goals are set and appropriate didactical measures and methods are chosen to achieve them. Based on the IEP Life Projects are developed for disadvantaged students encouraged by their achievements. In order for this approach to work, the social background and community around a student needs to be involved – the school, the family, relevant associations, social services as well as companies – with the goal to support each student in finding a suitable workplace
  • Inclusive Internships
    The keys to successful inclusion of people with disabilities at the workplace were presented by DomSpain Consulting from Spain. It is important to be aware of myths and preconceived ideas, involve the whole company, raise awareness among the staff and implement an effective communication strategy. Especially conscious and unconscious biases can be a challenge for inclusion. It needs to be taken into account that students taking part in an internship at a company have different special needs, which need to be addressed and solutions to be found. For persons with reduced mobility architectural barriers might need to be overcome. Different communication methods and technology can be used for persons with hearing or visual impairments. Companies should also think about the accessibility of their documents and their website. Persons with dyslexia or other learning disabilities will be grateful for easy-reading instructions. Therefore, a careful evaluation of the specific situation should take place in advance in order to meet the needs of the intern and guarantee a successful start of the internship.
  • SEN Students in Mobilities
    An empowering step further can be the participation of students with special educational needs (SEN) in Erasmus+ projects and mobilities, like in the case of the Istituto d’istruzione superiore Ciuffelli-Einaudi, Todi in Italy. Throughout the project “Linking Business, Enterprise & Entrepreneurial Skills Internationally”, the students involved in the project activities also included SEN students in order to foster peer communication and cooperation. The students were able to take part in mobilities in the partner countries of the project.
    The partnership focused on what the students can do and not what they cannot. Learning was facilitated through creative activities, which promote responsibility, teamwork, risk taking and problem solving. Furthermore, the activities were designed to correspond to the different learning styles of the students. Due to these activities and the possibility to take part in mobility among many other things the confidence of the SEN students increased and their communication skills improved

Social inclusion in VET: Resources available

Portuguese news

Porto Fashion School in the spotlight!

Recently, the Portuguese newspaperExpresso” published the interactive ranking of Portuguese schools. Among 682 schools with vocational courses, the associated partner of the Portuguese National Network of the ENNE project, Porto Fashion School, stands out. Thanks to its excellent work, it has achieved an excellent rating: 1st place in the municipality of Porto, 3rd place in the district of Porto and 14th place nationwide. Porto Fashion School awards these excellent results to “its availability and high quality monitoring of students, specialized teachers and experience in the fashion industry, and also the close relationship with the companies and industry in the region”.

The school also mentions that throughout the school journey, its students have the opportunity to participate in many collaborative projects and in Erasmus+ projects, which certainly contributes to the enrichment of their personal and professional development. Congratulations, Porto Fashion School!     

Portuguese news

Itinerary of ENNE cities

The Summer is here and with it came the desire to go out, to visit and see different places. Portugal has the privilege to have a magnificent diversity of landscapes, a rich cultural heritage, a delicious cuisine and a unique combination between tradition and contemporaneity. In spite of being a small country, Portugal has so much to see and explore that it would be impossible to choose a single region or city.

Our National Network of VET Schools already extends throughout the country. We have schools located in big cities and smaller towns, and in all of them there are fantastic things to discover. So, we ask all of our schools from the network to choose a place in the cities of their schools to visit, and we gather all the suggestions in the list below.


We will start well up north. COOPETAPE – Teaching Cooperative is located in Caminha, a border town of the district of Viana do Castelo. Characterized by its vast cultural and natural heritage, Caminha tells the story of Portugal through its Castle and walls, its churches, its cobblestones, its narrow streets, and its romantic corners. Here in Caminha, we highlight the emblematic Clock Tower. Classified as a national monument, this tower is currently the only remaining tower of the medieval walls of the village. In 2008, it was rehabilitated and reopened to the public with the Museological Nucleus of the Historical Centre of Caminha. A journey through the history of the village of Caminha.          


Next, to the Room of Visits of Minho, or Fafe. Home to the School Group of Fafe, the city is located between the rivers of Vizela Ferro and has a lot to offer, from its gastronomy, through its cultural heritage to its superb natural beauty. Here, the “Casa do Penedo” is worth highlighting. At the top of mountain of Fafe, 10 km from the city centre, we can find a small and curious rural house built among four huge rocks. The also known as the “House of the Flinstones“, is surrounded by silence, nature and tranquillity. Its interior follows the same natural lines, with all rooms taking unique forms, furnished with stone and solid wood objects, with no running water and no electricity. Certainly, a unique visit! 


Right next to Fafe, we find Guimarães, where two schools from our National Network are located: Francisco de Holanda Secondary School and Vocational School Bento Jesus Caraça Guimarães. It is the cradle city of Portugal, where D. Afonso Henriques, the first King of Portugal, was born. The historic centre, an area within the city walls, is associated with the formation and identity of the country and was classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001. In this mythical city we will highlight two places of great interest: the CAAA and the Library of Martins Sarmento Society. The Centre for the Affairs of Art and Architecture (CAAA) is located in an old textile factory, in the centre of Guimarães, which was recovered to welcome this centre. It is a non-profit cultural institution that supports artistic creation and interaction between numerous artistic areas – visual arts, design, cinema, literature, multimedia and performing arts – and architecture. Also in the city centre is the Martins Sarmento Museum, where the magical library is located. This magical place has more than 100 000 books, among which we can find the first edition of “Os Lusíadas” by Luís de Camões, the masterpiece of the Portuguese Literature. A mandatory stop for art lovers! 

Felgueiras e Lixa

We continue our trip through the North of Portugal and stop at two small towns, Felgueiras and Lixa. Here we have three schools from our National Network: Vocational School of Felgueiras and the Secondary School of Felgueiras, both in Felgueiras; and the School Group of Lixa, in Lixa. The cultural and gastronomic heritage of the municipality is truly rich and diverse. We highlight the Monastery of Santa Maria de Pombeiro and the House Museum of Pão de Ló. The Monastery of Santa Maria de Pombeiro is one of the oldest monastic institutions in Portugal and has been documented since 853. It is considered the maximum expression of the remote origins and cultural richness of the lands, being classified as a national monument since 1910. And since we’re in this region, why not try the famous “famoso Pão de Ló de Margaride”? This delicious cake has about 300 years of tradition and has been served at the table of the Portuguese Royal Family since the 19th century. Nowadays, we can visit, watch and participate in the confection of this magnificent Portuguese delicacy at House Museum of Pão de Ló. It is certainly a delicious stop!


Now we go to the Portuguese coast. EPROMAT – Vocational School of Matosinhos is located in Matosinhos, where gastronomy, contemporary architecture and the immense maritime coast are inescapable charms. The Porto Cruise Terminal was inaugurated on July 24, 2015 and has already received more than 300 thousand passengers and 500 ships. The Port of Leixões has a privileged position in the context of the European port system and intends to link the activity of cruises and the urban integration, associated with increasing sociability with the surrounding population. The Porto Cruise Terminal is an important gateway to the region and was recognized in 2017 by ArchDaily with the building of the year award in the “Public Architecture” category.


Continuing along the coast, we arrived in Porto, a fascinating, charming city full of a rich history and culture. It is home to four schools from our National Network: Vocational School Bento Jesus Caraça Porto, Porto Fashion School, Art and Vocational School Árvore, and Teaching Cooperative Vocational School of the Youth Center of Campanhã. In Porto, we will highlight two magnificent places: the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto and the “Palácio da Bolsa”. Located in the Botanical Garden of Porto, the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto was established in 2015. Its main focus is the preservation, enhancement, study and dissemination of the vast heritage associated with the natural sciences, both exact and human, built through the educational and research activities developed within the University of Porto over more than two centuries. Also in the centre of the city we find “Palácio da Bolsa”, one of the city’s most emblematic monuments, both for its historical and cultural context and its privileged location. It is the headquarters of the “Associação Comercial do Porto” and hosts the most diverse cultural, social and political events of the city.


A little over 20 minutes from Porto, we find Espinho and the Vocational School of Espinho. The city is known for the quiet beaches and its immense blue sea. In this area of election in the North of Portugal, we highlight the Municipal Museum of Espinho. Located in the Forum of Art and Culture of Espinho, former canning factory “Brandão, Gomes & C.ª”, the museum consists of two permanent exhibitions – Brandão, Gomes & C.ª  and Xávega Art – and of the temporary exhibition galleries Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso. Every year, it receives exhibitions of drawing, painting, sculpture and documentary and also several projects related to the preservation, promotion and dissemination of the local historical heritage and plastic arts, including art residencies, the International Biennial Women of Arts and the CriArte.


Arriving to the centre of Portugal we find Arrifana, a small town from the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. Here is located Arrifana’s School Group. Arrifana is characterized by being a resplendent and prosperous town, with a secular history and a great pride in its historical roots. One of the most important historical landmarks of the area is the Monument to the Martyrs of the Peninsular War. This monument, besides being a great part of the identity of Arrifana, is also an important part of the Portuguese history. The event that this monument represents is the massacre of Arrifana during the French Invasions. A French marshal was killed during an ambush and Arrifana was handed over to custody of the fire. The population took refuge in the church, but still several men were shot on April 17, 1809. A mandatory stop to know a little more about Portugal.   


From the centre of Portugal, we go to Alentejo, more specifically Elvas, where we can find the School Group nº 3 of Elvas – Secondary School D. Sancho II. This city from Alentejo was classified by UNESCO in 2012 as a World Heritage Site for being a border and garrison city and for its fortifications. It houses the largest fortification in the world, has a religious heritage with about 40 churches and convents, and the military buildings are more than 20. Among the museums, megalithic and archaeological monuments, and architectural heritage disseminated throughout the city, it is very easy to understand why Elvas is so emblematic. We decided to highlight “Forte da Graça”. This splendid and grand building is a remarkable example of 18th century military architecture and is considered by many historians to be one of the most powerful fortresses in the world. This stop would be an exciting visit to the past!

Ponta Delgada, Açores

And so we reach the islands. The school from our National Network, EPROSECVocational School, is located in the city of Ponta Delgada, in the largest island of the Azores archipelago, the island of São Miguel. In the centre of Ponta Delgada there are many great architectural marks, scattered along its narrow and flat streets and contrasting with all the natural splendour that the island has to offer. About 17 km from Ponta Delgada is the magnificent Viewpoint of Boca do Inferno, which is surrounded by a breathtaking wild and natural landscape. Here you can enjoy beautiful views over the Seven Cities Lagoon, Santiago Lagoon, Rasa Lagoon, and Canary Lagoon. Without a doubt, one of the most spectacular places to visit. 

Funchal, Madeira

The last stop is in the city of Funchal, in Madeira. With an urban and even sophisticated character, the capital of the island offers an involving and charming historical context, where a sovereign landscape between the sea and the majestic mountains dominates. As a highlight in the wonderful city of Funchal, our Institute for Qualification IP-RAM suggests a visit to the “Jardim Monte Palace”, in the parish of Monte. The journey to this garden can be made by cable car, from the Old Town to Monte. At the “Jardim Monte Palace” you can observe and enjoy a space dedicated to the Madeiran flora, with a large part of the Macaronesian Laurissilva varieties, as well as many other endangered species. As a return trip to the city, we suggest you to go down in the Basket Carts or Toboggans – a unique transport in the world!

Portuguese news


Re-inventar is a project of Citizenship developed by the class of the 11th year of the Technical Multimedia Course of the Teaching Cooperative Vocational School of the Youth Center of Campanhã.

The project aims to raise students’ awareness of issues related to attitudes and behaviors in society and also to contribute to the understanding of the importance of a healthy environment.

Consequently, a virtual exhibition was created and it consists of images, created or captured in the students’ residence, of recyclable waste, seeking to turn it into something aesthetically attractive and educational.

We invite you to visit this virtual art exhibit, available on

Portuguese news

Erasmus+: Internships during the Pandemic

Clarification: the photo was taken in December 219, before the Covid19 pandemic

A group of 3 trainees from Latvia decided to stay in Portugal during the Covid-19 pandemic to continue their Eramus+ internship. In October 2019, Arts & Skills welcomed in Guimarães a group of 3 students from Riga’s Art and Media School, Latvia.

Linda, Marika, and Elva had just finished their courses on Web Design and Interior Design courses when they decided to come to Portugal to develop their internships. The plan was to have an experience of 8 months, where they could develop their professional skills, see and experience a new culture, a new language and get to know new people and new places.

They have been in Portugal for quite some time, have had plenty of opportunities to travel around the country and enjoy many good things Portugal has to offer. They were already integrated into their training companies, had their daily routines, and were making plans to travel to the Portuguese islands of Azores and Madeira.

When Covid-19 surprised us all and plans had to be changed. They had two options: take the first flight back home to Latvia and their families, like many other students who were abroad or stay in Guimarães and continue their internship with us and adapt to Teleworking. They chose to stay. They felt safe and decided to continue their internships. Therefore, like the rest of us, they completely changed their daily routines, stayed at home, and complied with all the security measures this pandemic requires in order to protect themselves and others.

We invite you to watch a small video on their experience, available on:

Portuguese news

International highlight for the Vocational School of Felgueiras

Over the years, Vocational School Felgueiras has been standing out thanks to its participation in international events.

This time, 6 students, from the courses of Electronics, Automation and Computer Technician and Management Technician, would be presenting their projects at 2 international events: Zientzia Azoka and ISEF 2020.

In addition, final year students have been developing pioneering projects such as an assistant for diabetics (Dx Speaker) or even a support app for victims of violence.

For more information or if you want to check on School’s Facebook page, click here.