German news

Berufsbildung in Deutschland während der Corona-Krise

Ausschlaggebend für die Situation der Auszubildenden während der Corona-Krise in Deutschland ist das duale Berufsbildungssystem. Die Berufsausbildung findet nur teilweise in den Berufsschulen statt. Die praktische Ausbildung findet in Betrieben statt und die Auszubildenden werden für die Arbeit in diesen Betrieben bezahlt. Alle Schulen in Deutschland sind derzeit geschlossen, auch die Berufsschulen. Deshalb sind die Auszubildenden jetzt ausschließlich in ihren Betrieben.

Ob der Betrieb noch arbeitsfähig ist, hängt von der Branche ab. Die Handwerksbetriebe sind aktiv, da sie oft in kleinen Teams arbeiten. Besonders wichtig sind die Auszubildenden im Gesundheits– und Sozialbereich (z.B. ErzieherInnen, Pflegepersonal, etc.), die in systemrelevanten Einrichtungen wie Kinderheimen, Pflegeheimen, Krankenhäusern, etc. eine zusätzliche Hilfe sein können. Die DGB-Jugend hat wichtige Informationen für die Auszubildenden über die aktuelle Situation und ihre Rechte in Bezug auf ihre Ausbildung (z.B. Prüfungen, Kurzarbeit, Quarantäne des Betriebes, etc.) veröffentlicht:  jugend.dgb.de.

Die Berufsschulen sind aufgefordert, ihre Materialien zu digitalisieren und den Berufsschülern Aufgaben zu geben, die sie entweder in ihrem Unternehmen oder zu Hause erledigen können. Viele Lehrkräfte in der beruflichen Bildung schicken Materialien und Aufgaben per E-Mail. Die LAB Leipziger Aus- und Weiterbildungsbetriebe GmbH hat ihren Auszubildenden Microsoft Team-Konten für Team-ChatsLektionen und Videokonferenzen zur Verfügung gestellt und nutzt Sharepoint zum Austausch von Daten, Dokumenten, Materialien usw. Darüber hinaus nutzen sie das Angebot der Firma Christiani, einem Anbieter für technische Bildung, der sich entschlossen hat, seine Online-Kurse für Auszubildende in Elektrotechnik und Metalltechnik offen zugänglich zu machen. Bis Ende April können Auszubildende die Vollversionen vorübergehend kostenlos nutzen und Grundlagen in beiden Bereichen lernen:


Dies stellt eine Ausnahme dar, da sich viele Online-Angebote und Trainings an SchülerInnen und LehrerInnen von Grundschulen oder Gymnasien richten. Der Deutsche Bildungsserver bietet einen guten Überblick über diese digitalen Werkzeugewww.bildungsserver.de

Bulgarian news

eCON, a European practice for future young economists

On 01.10.2019 started the Project “eCON – European practice for future young economists” involving two of the associated partners of the ENNE Project:

  • Vocational High School in Economics “G. S. Rakovsky”, Yambol, Bulgaria;
  • National High School in Finance and Business, Sofia, Bulgaria.

The project is implemented in a consortium with one more vocational school and a foundation. The project stipulates the sending of a group of 24 students from 10-11 grade (8 students and one teacher from each school) from Economics and ManagementBusiness Administration and Trade specialties from the three vocational high schools to a two-week practice in Barcelos and Portugal in the summer of 2020.
The mobility participants will develop and build on their key competences and skills in enterprise economics and in particular on various business performance indicators of the firm. Through the practical exercises in a real working environment, eCON project will result in improving the skills and competences of the students for:

  • Analyzing the quality of products and services and producing comparative analyses;
  • Performing economic analysis of volume and structure of sales in SMEs and understanding the process of forming profit targets;
  • Developing work organization hierarchy and mapping the main processes in SMEs;
  • Preparing financial analyses according to different indicators and assessment of the financial state of real films and ideas for improving it;
  • Assimilating financial reporting practices according to International Accounting Standards (IAS, IFRS) and their practical implementation by solving Portuguese case studies;
  • Planning the creation of new products/services in real firms;
  • Planning the marketing of SMEs.

These acquired practical skills and competences will be certified from the receiving organisation, an employer reference, as well as Europass Mobility document, which will expand students’ career opportunities. By developing specific skills through practice, students will become more competitive and adept at the needs of the business and with increased prospects for realization on the labor market.

Italian news

Inclusive education, the transnational mobility experiences

The High School „Rocco Chinnici“ based in Sicily was part of the Erasmus+ projectOpen door, open mind: welcome in Europe: Transnational mobility experiences for inclusive education“ gave the opportunity to experience transnational mobility to further develop teachers‘ professional competencies and the integration of migrant students into schools.

The project aims to:

  • improve teacher professional development through the development of 21st-century skills;
  • improve the school international strategy. 16 teachers benefitted from transnational mobilities to 5 different European increasing their intercultural competencies.
Italian news

Communication Skills for personal and professional growth

IPSSAT Rocco Chinnici is partner in the Erasmus+ Project «Effective Communication – Communication Skills» (Nr. 2018-1-CZ01-KA229-048217_2) implemented by 5 Schools from the Czech Republic, Bulgary, Italy, Turkey and Portugal, involving around 250 students.
Learners developed their communication skills through team building and group work activities as well as their digital skills to improve communication effectiveness.

IPSSAT „Rocco Chinnici“ is a sicilian high school specialized in the field of hospitality and tourism and the next may 2020 will host the final project meeting.

Italian news

Students called to humanize the economy

On 20th of February 2020 in the Auditorium of Foligno (IT) the students of ITE “Scarpellini” took part to the “Economy of Francesco” event.
The meeting is part of the big call by the Pope to all young world economists during the last years to create a humanized economy.

The focus was the importance to return the economy more humanesustainable  and humanly engaged by putting non-capitalist values at the centre, but aimed at the well-being of the human being and equity.

The discussion was based on the need to care for the land but also the necessity to upgrade professional skills according to a rapidly changing reality of market labour and the distance between the needs of society and the business objectives we find in the books school.

The event was the prepping for the appointment on march 2020 in Assisi (IT) (it’s actually postponed on november 2020), where the Pope will meet young economists from all over the world to discuss the future of economy

Italian news

Transition from school to work

The students of the Business Management Department of ITE “Scarpellini” (Foligno, IT) met the experts of A.N.C.L. (National Labour Association) within the framework of a project promoted by the Department of Business Economics of the University of Perugia

The aim of this meeting was to make the skills acquired by the students concrete through an in-depth study of the rules governing the current labour market in Italy. They did so by illustrating the connections with the school system and by encouraging a more conscious approach.   

The course was divided in three different meetings and it was organized following a practical methodology. The students had the possibility to meet professional experts who actively involved the young participants, inviting them to test themselves in real life simulations of the labour market.

Portuguese news

Let’s Lead+, Erasmus+ Project

Let’s Lead+ is an Erasmus+ project designed to qualify the directors and other staff of the associated schools through courses and activities of Job Shadowing.

The main goals of the project are:

  • the implementation of innovative methodologies in the teaching/learning processes;
  • managing the curriculum in a flexible and efficient way;
  • the development of managing and leadership skills;
  • the development of linguistic skills;
  • promotion of a better collaboration with the community.


German news

Mobilitätsprojekte in Sachsen

Nach dem erfolgreichen Erasmus+ Mobilitätskonsortium 2019 wurde nun der Antrag für das Konsortium 2020 eingereicht. 15 Berufsschulen sind Teil des Projekts, das 200 Berufsschülern und Lehrern die Möglichkeit gibt, an Praktika und Job-Shadowing im Ausland teilzunehmen. Das Sächsische Landesamt für Schule und Bildung als Antragsteller will Mobilität in Europa fördern und Berufsschulen die Durchführung von Mobilitätsprojekten ermöglichen. Wisamar koordiniert erneut das Konsortium.
Für die englische version, klicken Sie hier.

Belgian news

Cabinetmakers and graphic designers honoured at the SIEP

This year the Royal Atheneaum Jean Tousseul was an exhibitor during the SIEP fair held in NAMUR with a special attention to our VET sections: the cabinetmakers and graphic designers. Students and teachers have honoured their sections by showing their skills.
SIEP fair is the biggest study fair in Wallonie and Brussels, and has aim to provide, all information on studies and professions. The SIEP
welcomes students, employers, training centre and it
documents, informs and advises anyone without discrimination or censorship, without judgment. The pluralism of information applied by the SIEP constitutes one of the guarantees of reliable, exhaustive
and complete information.

The main goals of the SIEP fair are:
– Present all the studies and training courses organized in the french speaking community (Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles);
– Discover the professional world, the diversity of trades and the skills required to be successful in the job market;
– Meet the information needs of visitors and support them in their research and their choices.