
Final year students of GO! Scholengroep Dynamiek are going on an internship abroad!

The VET pupils of the GO! atheneum of Maldegem, Eeklo and Zelzate went on a two-week Erasmus placement to France, Italy, Germany and Portugal. The pupils were given a warm welcome in the fraternity town of Zelzate.

The pupils were immersed in the foreign work field. The students worked hard on their subject-related and language skills, all thanks to the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme.


Multiplier Event in Italy

On April 8, 2022, EGInA organised the ENNE Project Multiplier Event in Foligno with the participation of national schools from all over Italy.

Altheo Valentini, the coordinator and General Manager at EGInA, presented the benefits of the project and opportunities in the field of Vocational Education and Training in Europe.

4 schools from the ENNE Network attended the event:

About 100 students participated in the laboratories and working groups. All activities were planned for schools to create new connections and promote the project.


LOGIPRO – Integerating Logistics Processes in Practice Enterprises

In 2022, Connectief was able to launch the KA2 project LOGIPRO with the COFEP project.  It aims to develop a work-based programme that prepares European students in VET for advanced logistics training in higher education or for a job within the logistics sector.
With the methodology of the virtual company in logistics education programmes, this project aims to increase the inflow into higher education and the labour market.  

Website: logipro-project.com


PGEE Galabovo hosted a job shadowing guest – lecturer from Italy within ENNE project – European National Networks for the Enhancement of VET

Michelangelo Capodimonio from Foligno, Italy was a guest lecturer at PGEE, Galabovo in the period from 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022. His visit was part of the activities of  ENNE – European National Networks for the Enhancement of VET project, No. 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR for welcoming mobility of „Job shadowing“ for teachers within the international network ENNE. The Italian colleague is an engineer with a degree in „Electronics“ with three years of teaching experience and at IPSIA ,,Beato Simone Fidati“- city of. He has also been trained at the University of Cascia (Cascia).

ENNE is an Erasmus+ project which aims to enhance the quality and attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in five partner countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Portugal and Belgium) with a specific focus on mobility opportunities.

The last phase of the ENNE project is being implemented, which is mainly focused on organising transnational mobility activities for both VET staff and students and has the following objectives:

– improving cooperation between VET providers at national and European level;

– sharing good practices;

– promoting mutual learning methodologies among VET staff;

– promoting the acquisition of soft skills for VET learners;

Observation as a method of working represents a very effective method of achieving these objectives as it provides an opportunity to visit another (host) and observe the work for an agreed period of time.

ENNE job shadowing is based on good practice identified within national networks and these aim to:

 – enable teachers to observe and learn best practices developed in other EU countries;

– inspire new ideas for teaching in VET;

– enable the hosting organisation to interact with a teacher coming from another country and discuss today’s educational challenges and opportunities;

– create/strengthen relationships between teachers and potential partners to provide expertise and resources for their classrooms and schools.




The project team revised and developed a set of tools (e.g. instruments, protocols, …) for coping with diversity matching the Common frame of reference on diversity.

Each partner developed activities in local schools around the project’s theme. The project team designed international training. Based on all experiences the project website provides a blueprint and roadmap that before use has to be contextualized/adapted by the user.

Website: www.udel21.eu
School: Catholic Education Flanders

German news

#ITKAM4EUROPE: „digit“ projekt Start des Tester – Rekruitments für Toolkit#1

Seit dem 1. Januar 2022 ist ITKAM – Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland e.V. Koordinator des Projekts DIGIT (DIGItal Transformation of Internationalization process), das durch die deutsche Nationale Erasmus+ Agentur NABIBB  finanziert wird.

DIGIT ist als Antwort auf die COVID -19 pandemische Lage entstanden, die insbesondere von KMUs im Agrar-Sektor eine rasche Verstärkung der digitalen Kompetenzen im Verkaufs- und Marketingprozess verlangt hat. Diese Unternehmen mussten sich innerhalb weniger Wochen an digitalen Marketing-Strategien orientieren sowie neue online- oder hybride Veranstaltungen entwickeln und durchführen.

DIGIT zielt auf die Entwicklung von drei OERs Trainingsmaterialien (Open Electronic Resources) für Internationalisierungsexperten (e.g. Mitarbeiter von IHKs und Auslandshandelskammern) und für Internationalisierungstrainer (e.g. Lehrer bei Berufsschulen für den Außenhandel bzw. Ausbilder bei IHKs) ab.


Das erste der drei OERs Trainingsmaterialien ist das Toolkit #1. Dieses Toolkit wird ein Leitfaden für Experten und Lehrende im Internationalisierungsbereich darstellen und u.a. folgende Inhalte thematisieren:

  • Nutzung von Online-Recherche-Tools für Zielmärkte
  • Nutzung von Social Media für Verkaufs- und Internationalisierungskampagnen
  • Nutzung von B2B-Plattformen
  • Datenschutzkonformes Handeln (GDPR)


ITKAM sucht für das Toolkit#1 nach Testpiloten mit folgenden Profilen:

  • Exportmanager in mittelständischen Unternehmen des Agrarsektors
  • Experten für den internationalen Handel
  • Berufsschullehrer*innen und Ausbilder*innen aus dem Bereich des Außenhandels

Die Internationalisierungsexperten werden das Toolkit#1 bei KMUs implementieren, die sie als Kunde betreuen. Lehrende werden die Inhalte des Toolkits#1 Ihren Lernenden vermitteln. Ausgewählte Testpiloten können im Voraus und kostenlos von allen drei OERs Trainingsmaterialien profitieren.

Das Toolkit#1 ist ein online-Kurs mit einer ca. 10-stündigen Lernzeit. Die Testung wird im September/Oktober 2022 stattfinden. Die verfügbaren Plätze für die Testung vom Toolkit#1 betragen:

  • 35 Ausbilder/-innen sowie Lehrende in der beruflichen Bildung
  • 35 Plätze für Exportmanager/Veranstaltungsplaner und Handelsexperten

Sie können sich als Tester von Toolkit #1 bis zum 30. Juni 2022 unter diesem Link anmelden: https://www.f6s.com/digit-expression-of-interest/apply 


Frau Raffaella Saviori (rsaviori@itkam.org; +49 (0) 69 971452 42)

Frau Sonia Barani (sbarani@itkam.org; +49 (0) 341 98972513)