
Mobility experience and Job Shadowing for I.S.I.S. Alfonso Casanova of Naples

Our institute was finally able to start all the activities planned and conceived during the COVID-19 pandemic concerning Erasmus+ projects, and opened up to Europe completely.
Three teachers have been selected for a one-week job-shadowing for VET staff in Epromat Escola Profissional de Matosinhos in Portugal and Escola Profissional de Campanhã in Porto, and two of our students were in BelgiumHasselt for a VET internship on graphics/design.

(Photo: Casanova at EPROMAT Vocational School Matosinhos, Portugal)

Casanova at EPROMAT Vocational School Matosinhos

(Photo: Casanova at Escola Profissional de Campanhã, Portugal)


(Photo: Casanova at GO! Next Level X, Belgium)


All these experiences have led all of us at the Casanova Institute to enrich our English language skills and to experience interaction with other cultures to understand the importance of sharing good practices in order to become citizens of the world, responsible and aware of the most pressing issues we face.
The regional news also did a report on our activities and experiences as in the link below:



Job-shadowing of VET Staff in IPSSAT Rocco Chinnici di Nicolosi, Italy

From 24 to 30 April the school IPSSAT Rocco Chinnici welcomed in our institute Prof. Regine Vandecandelaere, a teacher at the institute LTI Oedelem (school for science, landscaping, gardening) of Oedelem (Beernem).

During her stay, visits were made to the area (Vendicari reserve – Noto SR, Noto (SR), Syracuse, Trekking on Etna, Taormina, Catania).

The focus of the project was the sharing of curricular work experiences of the Italian institute, Regine met several students directly in the host structures and participated in the meeting to select those who will participate in the summer curricular work experience, lasting 4 months in different Italian regions.

The institute shared how the school-to-work alternation activities are run and took part in some theoretical and practical lessons in the Sala, Bar and Kitchen laboratories.


The experience was exciting for both the school and Regine, who was involved in all the activities.

The important thing was that we were able to follow her every step of the way, show her the opportunities the school offers and all that it has to offer, as well as artistic and historical visits to learn about the beauty of the region of Sicily.


In June, our colleague Clarisse Maria Carneiro Bravo de Oliveira Pires Lemos will arrive from the Escola Secundária de Felgueiras (Portugal).


The experience of a Bulgarian teacher from National High School in Finance and Business in Portugal

 Mrs Daria Mihaylova from Bulgarian associated ENNE network partner National High school in finance and business completed 5 days Job shadowing program at EPROMAT – Escola Profissional de Matosinhos in Portugal.


Within ENNE Project, the implementation of Job-shadowing experiences abroad among VET teachers and Staff aims to: 

  •  Give teachers the opportunity to observe and learn the best practices developed in other EU countries;
  • Get inspired by new ideas for teaching in VET;
  • Give the hosting organisation the opportunity to interact with a teacher coming from another country and discuss about today’s educational challenges and opportunities;
  • Create/strengthen connections between teachers and potential partners, capable of providing them with expertise and resources for their classrooms and schools.


Here is what Daria says about her experience:

Why did you participate in the Job Shadowing activity? What were your main goals?

I took part in mobility with the intention of accumulating additional experience in the organization of the learning process in a vocational school, to observe the work and functionality of a vocational school outside my country. As a humanitarian discipline teacher at a vocational school, I wanted to see ideas that I could implement in my day job. My interests were focused on IT and the field of multimedia, as these are areas where I make efforts to increase my qualification and the experience I have gained will be useful to me in working with students, and it is also know-how to share with my colleagues. I was able to see a practical absorption of digital, professional and humanitarian competences. To discover the benefits and opportunities that vocational education provides so that I can include them as part of my daily teaching and administrative work. I gained knowledge and competencies in the field of VET teaching and administration, as well as had the opportunity to learn about new teaching methods.   

What were your expectations? Did you manage to get most of the experience?

My expectation was to see a functional and interdisciplinary application of professional competences. During my stay at the school, I saw interdisciplinary approaches and the application of extremely many inter-essential connections, also emphasized teamwork and enhancing students‘ cognitive and performance skills. Together with our Portuguese colleagues, we had the opportunity to participate actively in the teaching process and the work process, which was key to gaining experience.

What was the most interesting thing you learned related to your job/duties? 

The most useful experience I gained from my stay at the Epromat school was the different approach to teamwork of students, the evaluation of their projects and their presentation. The ability of students to work extremely interdisciplinary, such as in IT and multimedia classes, to prepare sites and projects related to other subjects. In this way, they accumulate professional skills, but also build on their knowledge in all school disciplines.

The overall experience was extremely useful, I found new ideas and techniques that I will be able to apply to teaching in my school. I have also enriched myself with a lot of interesting information that I can share with my colleagues.


Job Shadowing: teachers from Portugal to Italy

From 25 to 29 April, the Liceo Statale „E. Majorana“ of San Giovanni La Punta welcomed Helena Lourenco de Sousa and Filipa Vilares, from Portugal, for a job-shadowing experience, which turned out to be very constructive.
Helena and Filipa had a lesson in English with the students of the Liceo Linguistico, during which they presented a video about Portugal and Madeira, before going on to learn more about multimedia techniques and languages in video production.

In the following days, they took part in PCTO/school-to-work activities, carried out by classes of the Liceo Linguistico, which included the preparation of a short presentation in Spanish of the artistic and cultural value of sites, which, dressed up as guides for one day, were included in a tour of the historical centre of Catania, carried out at the end of the project.

In Taormina, a PCTO activity on the profession of an archaeologist took place, involving students from the Liceo Classico.
Helena and Filipa had the opportunity to combine a visit to some of Sicily’s major tourist attractions with the school’s VET/PCTO activities.

Italian news

Delegazione spagnola accolta dall’Istituto Tecnico Economico „Scarpellini“


L’ITE Scarpellini continua il suo viaggio attraverso l’internazionalizzazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche e questa volta lo fa in casa ospitando una delegazione di insegnanti e collaboratori scolastici provenienti dal Liceo IES Luis Bueno Crespo della città di Granada.

Già la scorsa settimana la nostra scuola era stata visitata da alcuni docenti e studenti greci.

Entrambi i gruppi hanno manifestato grande entusiasmo nella visita dell’Istituto e un forte interesse verso le attività che sono state presentate. Fiore all’occhiello dell’ITE Scarpellini sono stati ancora una volta i ragazzi che hanno spiegato in lingua spagnola il funzionamento dei diversi indirizzi di studio, della struttura con i suoi tanti laboratori e soprattutto dei progetti internazionali. In modo particolare, si sono soffermati sulla loro recente esperienza nella mobilità Erasmus+ illustrando il loro tirocinio formativo e manifestando un grande entusiasmo per le numerose competenze acquisite.

Si è trattato di uno scambio di buone pratiche estremamente produttivo che potrà portare in futuro a nuove opportunità di mobilità e di collaborazione tra le scuole.


From ITE „Scarpellini“ to Lithuania

After a long pause due to the pandemic, the students of ITE Scarpellini in Foligno are finally back on the road again, thanks to a partnership project entirely focused on climate change.
In October 2021 in Lithuania, took place the first meeting of the transnational experience, focused on „The Factors Influencing Climate Change“. A small team of teachers – Vanessa Sabatini and Ines Torresand – and pupils – Cecchetti Denise, Kulli Serena and Romano Graziella – hosted by the school „Panevėžio 5-oji gimnazija“, in Panevėžys.

The Italian school had the opportunity to see folk dances, listen to Lithuanian songs and see a presentation show.
All Italian team, together with the other partners from Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Portugal, took part in a training course and exchange of good practices aimed at raising awareness among the participating schools on the issue of climate change, especially on water quality and pollution.

For five days, the pupils have been involved in a series of activities such as the collection and analysis of water samples at various sites around Lithuania, the discovery of symbolic places as a visit to the Pasvalys sinkholes and the company responsible for water distribution in the surrounding towns.
They were also able to take part in making handicrafts with recyclable materials at the school’s workshops, using techniques such as collage and composing with natural flowers to create decorative objects.


A very interesting visit was the city of Vilnius, the Pašiliai reserve, where it was possible to see bison in the wild, and the medieval capital of Lithuania, Trakai, and its Red Castle overlooking Lake Galve, one of the most beautiful places in the country.
Thanks to all the activities carried out, the students had direct contact with nature and interaction with teenagers from other cultures, the importance of sharing good practices to protect the environment and thus become citizens of the world, responsible and aware of the risks of our planet.
At the end of this training course, the students of ITE Scarpellini also enriched their skills in English, a fundamental tool for communication between the participating partners.
In May, Turkey will host the partners in the evocative backdrop of the city of Istanbul, and other students and teachers will be involved.


German news

Em Der Tram-Fahrer in Leipzig

Menschen aus ganz Europa zusammenzubringen und sie durch Spiel, Unterhaltung und Information zu verbinden – das ist das Ziel dieser ungewöhnlichen Meisterschaft, deren Gastgeber in diesem Jahr die Verkehrsbetriebe Leipzig (LVB) sind. Darüber hinaus will die TRAM-EM den öffentlichen Nahverkehr als moderne und interessante Dienstleistung präsentieren.

Die Europameisterschaft unterstützt den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Fahrern und Managern und hat einen Werbeeffekt – regional und europaweit. Die TRAM-EM fördert den kulturellen Austausch in Europa und den friedlichen Wettbewerb für einen zukunftsorientierten öffentlichen Personennahverkehr.

Wie funktioniert es?

Jeder ÖPNV-Aufgabenträger aus Europa kann an den Meisterschaften teilnehmen und ein Team anmelden. Ein Team besteht aus einem Fahrer, einer Fahrerin und einem Teamcoach.

De TRAM-EM findet am 21. Mai 2022 in Leipzig statt. Dann feiert Leipzig nicht nur 150 Jahre Straßenbahn in der Messestadt, sondern auch ein Fest der Vielfalt, offen für alle. „Wir freuen uns auch, dass wir 50 Jahre Berufsausbildung bei den LVB feiern“, so Katrin Lukas, Geschäftsführerin Personal und Fahrservice sowie Arbeitsdirektorin der Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe. Diese Berufsausbildung findet beim ENNE-Netzwerkpartner Leipziger Ausbildungsbetriebe (LAB) statt.

Mehr zu TRAM-EM: https://tramem.eu/?page