
Quality mobility for the enhancement of VET: final international conference of the ENNE project

The ENNE project final event on „Quality mobility for the enhancement of VET“,  will take place in Brussels on 23 September 2022 and you can participate in presence or online!

VENUE: Umbria Region Office in Brussels, Rond-Point Schuman 14 – 1040 Brussels

Click here to register!


  • 9.30 – 10.00 Registration and networking coffee
  • 10.00 – 10.15 Institutional Welcome from the Umbria Region representatives and project coordinator
  • 10.15 – 10.45 Keynote on the EU ongoing and upcoming initiatives for the promotion and enhancement of VET
    – Anna Barbieri, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – European Commission
  • 10.45 – 11.45 Presentation of the main project’s results and outputs:
    Report on national focus groups for setting up VET Excellence networks in partner countries
    – Charline Van Osselaer, Manager at Connectief
    MOOC on “Quality of mobility projects in VET”
    – Jan Mueller, Project manager at Wisamar
    Blended course on KA2 Erasmus+ Proposal writing
    – Ylenia Cariani, Communication Manager at EGInA
    Quality Assurance System for transnational mobility
    – Anie Antonova, Project Manager at ECQ
    Internationalization activities for the enhancement of VET centres
    – Claudia Amaro, Project Manager at Arts&Skills
    Interactive session with testimonials from the partner countries
  • 11.45 – 12.30 Panel discussion on VET challenges with local and national VET stakeholders moderated by Ben Bruyndonckx, International mobility coordinator at Connectief
    – Jens Vermeersch, Coordinator Internationalisation at GO! from Belgium
    – Margherita Battaglini, VET Teacher and Erasmus+ coordinator from Italy
    – Sandra Machado, School board representative at Agrupamento de Escolas Francisco de Holanda from Portugal
    – Manuela Vogelsang, VET teacher of RHS Chemnitz 
  • 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Break
  • 13.30 – 14.00 VET Mobility outside the EU borders
    – from Italy to Japan: Maurizio Morini, VET teacher and Erasmus+ coordinator at IO Dante Alighieri of Nocera Umbra 
    – From Belgium to South Africa: Guillaume Goes, former VET student at VTI Oostende
  • 14.00 – 14.45 Panel discussion with representatives of VET networks for the validation the ENNE Policy Recommendations moderated by Altheo Valentini, ENNE project coordinator


  • VET providers, represented by
  • Intermediary organisations, represented by
  • Companies, represented by
  • 14.45 – 15.00 Closing remarks and next steps for the sustainability of the ENNE Networks


Your opinion is important for us to collect valuable feedback regarding the benefits and challenges of internationalisation and mobility in VET from representatives of European VET providers.



PERCEIVE, develoPmEnt of quality assuRanCe mEchanisms in VET E-learning environments

PERCEIVE – develoPmEnt of quality assuRanCe mEchanisms In VET E-learning environments is an ongoing project in the field of VET where ECQ is actively participating. Within the project 7 partners from 5 countries – Bulgaria (ECQ and “Bulgarian-German VET Centre”), Belgium (Association Europeenne Pour La Formation Professionnelle), Germany (EVBB and BK Consult), Greece (AKMI) and Italy (ENAIP) are cooperating and together for achieving the project objectives. Project is specifically aimed at the quality assurance of the design and delivery of Vocational e-learning, including training provision process, such as legislation, financing, organization and management of elearning, technical solutions needed, upskilling of human resources, including VET teaching and other VET staff.

The project partners met at the end of July to discuss and plan the work for the creation of the Framework. In October it is expected to be completed and ready. Also in the last quarter of 2022 multiplier events are expected where stakeholders will be invited to test and be informed about the 2 of 3 project results. 


The main target groups are providers, leaders, teachers and learners in the field of VET and all stakeholders will be able to take use the QA Framework (available online as an interactive resource) covering the design and delivery of e-learning in VET, Certification of Quality for VET e-learning programs, e-learning Courses which are going to be subject of QA, using the new Framework, e-tools related to the adaptation of the QA Framework in the VET system,  training material for VET Professionals.


More information, news and updates check the official website of the project: https://perceive-project.eu/  



Escola Profissional de Espinho, 3D-Print Project and Learning by Competing Project

On the 22nd of June, the Portuguese Multiplier Event of the European Project 3D-Print (https://www.3dprint-training.com/) took place, organized by CEPROF. This project is co-financed by the European Commission under the scope of the Erasmus+ programme.
The objective of the Multiplier Event was to disseminate the objectives of the project, as well as the already obtained final results, to the relevant stakeholders and interested people.

The main objective of the project consists of providing support for the educational and training challenges related to equipping the future workplace with relevant and needed skills to participate in the 3D printing revolution. This was achieved by providing entry-level, easily accessible courses, that could motivate adults with fewer qualifications.

Escola Profissional de Espinho

The presented results in the Multiplier Event were:

  • A guide on how to introduce 3D printing in adult education;
  • A training programme on 3D printing, for trainers to provide them with the needed knowledge tools to develop a teaching program on 3D printing in adult education;
  • A teaching pack that enables adult educators to learn more about 3D printing.

Escola Profissional de Espinho

The Multiplier Event counted 28 participants and was a major success.

Website school page on the ENNE project

In the end of June, OvarForma hosted the Learning by Competing (www.lbc.conform.it) Multiplier Event, together with CEPROF and APSU, the Portuguese partners of the same Erasmus+ project.

The 5 big pillars/objectives of the project were the creation and testing of innovative teaching methodologies, introducing competition in teaching and learning, developing ICT and mobility competencies, promoting perseverance and resilience, and developing soft skills and utilizing the motivational effects of robotics to excite students about science and technology.

Escola Profissional de Espinho

From these 5 pillars the project obtained the following results:

  • Four training modules on Robotics and resources;
  • A training platform;
  • Improvement in the performance of the students;
  • Improvement in the interest in foreign languages;
  • Higher motivation for mobility and interest of the other schools in the methodological approach of “Learning by Competing”.

The Multiplier Event was an important step towards the sustainability of our project!


ENNE Blended Course, what results has produced?

VETCREA is a KA2 project that started in 2022 and was submitted after the blended course of the ENNE project.

VETCREA did not let its start in Italy go unnoticed. The students from the various partner schools worked together to achieve a wonderful result that was presented to the general public on 12 May.

Together with the partner schools from Italy and Portugal, this was an unforgettable experience for the pupils and colleagues from the department’s Fashion, Multimedia, Care Hair and Design. The students and teachers worked closely together to show their expertise in Spoleto: fashion, hair care, multimedia and graphic design came up with a beautiful concept in the theme New & Eco friendley with as the final result a fantastic fashion show and as apotheosis the dress designed by the Italian fashion school. The Belgian school, with its multimedia and graphic design department, took care of the invitations and suchlike as well as the hairdo. The accessories were provided by the Portuguese partner school and they will be the host country next year. In the third year, we meet our project partners in Hasselt for a final show.

Want to know more?






Spoleto Fashion Show Film

Fashion Show – Getting ready

Fashion Show – Runaway rehearsal