
Erasmus ambassadors at the High School Casanova, based in Naples

On December 20th, 2022, the high school Alfonso Casanova hosted international Erasmus ambassadors (Croatia, Spain, Germany Belgium, Italy, and referents of the National Agency Indire Erasmus+ BELGIUM) within the project PEACE – PARTECIPATION ERASMUS ALUMNI for CIVIC ENGAGEMENT. The event involved pupils from ten classes of the institute in order to disseminate, motivate, present and discuss the importance of Erasmus actions to bring European populations closer together and strengthen the internationalisation processes of schools. On this occasion, a dissemination event was organised for the Ka229 projects that our institute is carrying out from 2020/21 and the partnership with EGInA srl in the Eda ’n‘ Eda and Enne projects.


Successful for the Blended Course organised in Italy

During the week of December 12-16, 2022, took place in Foligno (Italy) a course on project writing in preparation for the Key Action 2 calls of the Erasmus+ programme, organised by EGInA.

 The 12 participants, from Belgium, Greece, Malta, and Italy, came from different backgrounds (education experts, university researchers, digital experts, social activists, and urban planning experts) but had in common a great desire to develop their own project, starting with ideas developed within their respective professional experience. Indeed, the course promoted by EGInA, allowed them to develop these ideas during hands-on workshop sessions, as well as provide detailed theoretical insights into the calls considered and design techniques.

The course is structured in a blended format, in which there are two online introductory classes, a week of intensive face-to-face work that includes theoretical part and hands-on workshops on drafting real projects, and an additional online follow-up phase to evaluate and support project development.

The topics covered by the course ranged from understanding the Erasmus+ programme, contextualized within the policies of the European Commission and sustainable development plans, to the attention in depth of the call prerequisites and effective writing techniques. The hands-on workshop sessions are designed to enable participants to engage with idea development at all stages of a project:

  • determining priorities;
  • identifying objectives;
  • identifying activities, results and outcomes.

The ideas that emerged from the participants, given the heterogeneity of the group, ranged across a number of topics, including: innovation in school and VET education with the introduction of student- centered methodologies; well-being at the workplace; creating farmer networks against climate change; combating gender-based violence; and using digital media for teaching STEAM.

During the course, participants were also able to enrich their overview in the area of Erasmus+ projects by
attending presentations of several projects carried out (or recently completed) by EGInA, including:

This allowed participants to see in practice how the objectives and outcomes described in the project design phase are translated into real partnership activities and results that can be scaled up internationally or locally. It also allowed direct interaction with experienced project managers from different sectors.
Course participants gave enthusiastic feedback on their achievements and improvement of personal skills
in project writing.


The upgrade2europe project national testing

The upgrade2europe project (ref. no: 2020-1-DE02-KA202-007626) is a strategic partnership between 8 EU organizations – emcra GmbH (Germany), Cyprus Project Management Society (Cyprus), European Center for Quality Ltd. (Bulgaria), PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l. (Italy), EU-Fundraising Association e. V. (Germany), Chamber of Commerce and Industry Csongrád County (Hungary), and Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia). The project intends to provide educational actors, SMEs and SMOs with the necessary materials to develop and implement their own Europeanisation strategies, thus intensifying their activities in Europe across national borders.

The project will provide various training materials and tools, including:

  • Process Model;
  • EQF curriculum;
  • Handbook;
  • Teaching and Learning Videos;
  • Digital Self-Assessment Tool;
  • E-mail course.

On the 17th of October started the testing phase of the upgrade2europe project that continued for 8 weeks. The participants of the testing were from ECQ team (in-house testing) as well as, from other organisations and associations (external testing). All participants explored the beta versions of the u2e products with the aim of gathering feedback and discussing suggestions for improvements. During the testing were presented the Process Model, Video materials, Handbook tools, Email course, and Self-assessment tool. Testers were asked to evaluate the applicability, relevance, transferability of all the resources and tools to their learning paths. The received back will be analysed and used as a basis for further improvement and of the project products and materials.

For more information about the project visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/upgrade2europe  


Workshops for testing a Quality assurance framework for VET e-Learning was done in Sofia with VET practicioners and ECQ ltd. Bulgaria

The European Quality Centre and the State Enterprise „Bulgarian-German Centre for Vocational Training“, organized and delivered a workshop on the PERCEIVE project – developing a quality framework for online VET training, which held on 19.12.2022 (Monday) at 15:00 online.

The main objectives of the workshop were discussing and constructively refining the Framework for a higher degree of relevance in the field of VET, while during the workshop the participants were reviewing the Preliminary Version of the Quality Framework for Distance VET, managed to discuss and review the proposed key indicators.

The PERCEIVE project objectives are:

To propose a process-oriented lifecycle model for quality assurance in e-learning development and delivery (primarily in the VET sector).

Develop a quality assurance certificate to ensure that specific quality criteria are applied when designing or delivering e-learning solutions.

Provision of training materials for VET professionals to support the adaptation of the quality assurance framework in their work (when delivering e-learning).

The framework consists of 3 different Axis, namely students, teachers and staff and context. Each Axis is comprised by 3 to 6 Aspects, which cover all the topics that need to be evaluated in order to perform quality assurance activities.

Each Aspect is comprised by three sections. In the processes and procedures, we describe the content of the Aspect and we analyse all the topics that need to be considered by the evaluator in order to apply the PERCEIVE Framework. In the Actors section we mention all the different types of agents that are involved, in any way, in the quality assurance process. Finally, our monitoring system is comprised by the indicators and KPIs that need to be measured in order to apply the PERCEIVE Framework and evaluate the e-learning programme.

The website of the project is https://perceive-project.eu/