In Bulgaria, the school year starts in mid of September. Despite the global pandemic situation on 15 September 2021, all schools opened and welcomed all students for the 2021/2022 school year with strict consideration of the National epidemic measures.
The situation in Bulgaria in the last months was very dynamic and it tested on many occasions the flexibility of all schools and the overall preparation and reactions of the National system.
Despite all factors main driven power of the last 3 months was the motivation of the schools‘ authorities, parents and students in close cooperation with the national bodies to ensure the learning is happening in a rather difficult situation. The schools and educational entities were to consider the local circumstances and National recommendations for the organization of the learning process. One major lockdown took all students out of schools in October-November.
For most of the Bulgarian schools that are part of the ENNE network the main focus in the last months was the local organization of the learning processes while introducing online, face-to-face or blended forms of teaching. Since the National regulations and COVID-19 measures were not easily predictable the schools and educational entities were to adapt, invent, cooperate and innovate new measures mainly focused on the local realities and specific needs in their schools‘ communities.
Some of the Network members managed also to work beyond the basics and get involved in international activities, competitions and mobilities. PGEE Gylabovo also received VET accreditation for KA1 mobilities under Erasmus +.
The National network members also supported and were involved in the following ENNE project activities related to Job shadowing and VET learners mobilities.