Italian news

Communication Skills for personal and professional growth

IPSSAT Rocco Chinnici is partner in the Erasmus+ Project «Effective Communication – Communication Skills» (Nr. 2018-1-CZ01-KA229-048217_2) implemented by 5 Schools from the Czech Republic, Bulgary, Italy, Turkey and Portugal, involving around 250 students.
Learners developed their communication skills through team building and group work activities as well as their digital skills to improve communication effectiveness.

IPSSAT „Rocco Chinnici“ is a sicilian high school specialized in the field of hospitality and tourism and the next may 2020 will host the final project meeting.

Italian news

Students called to humanize the economy

On 20th of February 2020 in the Auditorium of Foligno (IT) the students of ITE “Scarpellini” took part to the “Economy of Francesco” event.
The meeting is part of the big call by the Pope to all young world economists during the last years to create a humanized economy.

The focus was the importance to return the economy more humanesustainable  and humanly engaged by putting non-capitalist values at the centre, but aimed at the well-being of the human being and equity.

The discussion was based on the need to care for the land but also the necessity to upgrade professional skills according to a rapidly changing reality of market labour and the distance between the needs of society and the business objectives we find in the books school.

The event was the prepping for the appointment on march 2020 in Assisi (IT) (it’s actually postponed on november 2020), where the Pope will meet young economists from all over the world to discuss the future of economy

Italian news

Transition from school to work

The students of the Business Management Department of ITE “Scarpellini” (Foligno, IT) met the experts of A.N.C.L. (National Labour Association) within the framework of a project promoted by the Department of Business Economics of the University of Perugia

The aim of this meeting was to make the skills acquired by the students concrete through an in-depth study of the rules governing the current labour market in Italy. They did so by illustrating the connections with the school system and by encouraging a more conscious approach.   

The course was divided in three different meetings and it was organized following a practical methodology. The students had the possibility to meet professional experts who actively involved the young participants, inviting them to test themselves in real life simulations of the labour market.