After the beginning of a school year when anything was possible, reality has once again caught up with us. Vaccinations, unfortunately, do not make us invincible after all. Thanks to high vaccination rates, schools were able to teach as usual for a long time. However, the elementary school and their unvaccinated young students became the driving force behind the spread of the virus, forcing us to take new measures. The Christmas break was extended to 3 weeks. Once again, extracurricular outings have been banned and mouth masks have been made compulsory from the age of 6 (previously 12).
And yet!
In November, Connectief’s project ErasDu was able to send 71 students abroad for a 2-week internship. For the first time since the pandemic, this was possible again. The quality of the traineeship and the „appetite“ of the students did not suffer from the pandemic. You can read that in the testimonials. The students and schools are enthusiastic and eager to get back on track in Europe in April 2022.
And yet!
Teachers are joining forces again to set up innovative teaching techniques and methodologies. VTIO Hoogstraten, for example, is developing a new HEV learning box for teaching about electric vehicles. With imec’s support, the school is bringing education and the professional field together to create a great innovative teaching tool.
And yet!
Teachers are joining forces again to set up innovative teaching techniques and methodologies. VTIO Hoogstraten, for example, is developing a new HEV learning box for teaching about electric vehicles. With imec’s support, the school is bringing education and the professional field together to create a great innovative tool.
And yet!
Flemish schools are preparing (for the first time in 2 years) for a live Belfair. BELFAIR is the annual Belgian fair for virtual companies, organized by COFEP. It is usually one of the largest virtual company fairs in Europe. At a traditional BELFAIR we welcome more than 230 exhibitors and 2500 visitors, spread over 2 days. The exhibitors are virtual companies from secondary education, higher education and adult education.
And yet!
Students were able to follow important training courses and obtain certificates that facilitate their transition to the labor market, such as a training course in scaffolding construction after which students from directions such as construction, wood, … receive the certificate „working at height“.

And yet!
Have students undertaken intriguing experiments such as the development of a solar heater from empty soda cans.
Pupils are harvesting strawberries for the first time in their new greenhouses and are making plans for the operation of a store in the school.
Beautiful chairs are designed and made in the style of Gerrit Rietveld (NL).
A youth movement will be able to work in beautiful new buildings next year thanks to the students of a VET school.
Exams and final projects continue 😊
And now…
All options are open for 2022. The air is buzzing with activity and plans are brimming with innovativeness. Good COVID figures were wished for under the Christmas tree to make 2022 a banner year.