High school “Ettore Majorana”

High school specializing in scientific subjects “Ettore Majorana”

Address: Via G. Motta, 87, Via San Giovanni La Punta, 95037

Telephone: +39  0956136760

Website: majoranaliceo.edu.it



  • Arts
  • Education

Main working field(s) of the Job-shadowing activity

Teaching and learning activities.

Good practice or activities to share

Lessons using new technologies and software; work-related learning experiences.

Expectations for future collaborations

KA1 exchange for students and staff; kA2 projects.

Expectations regarding the profile of staff to host

We are looking for an international staff member who can speak English and/or French. Her/his working field should preferably be related to arts or languages.

Overall program for the job-shadowing opportunity

The job-shadowing opportunity includes classes (but not with vet students), meetings and organization of activities.


The second half of March

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