National high school in finance and business

National high school in finance and business

Address: 1 Rozova Dolina Str.
1421 Sofia, BULGARIA

Telephone: + 359 (02) 866 20 13



  • Environment
  • Economics
  • Marketing

Main working field(s) of the Job-shadowing activity

The main working fields will be good practices in 1. Sustainability 2. General economics from the Bulgarian point of view 3. Practice enterprises workouts 4. Digital marketing 5. Creativity and innovation.

Good practice or activities to share

National high school in finance and business has a long-lasting good practice such as:
1. Sustainable education goals education from the business perspective
2. Possible ways of doing national and international business from a Bulgarian point of view
3. Entrepreneurship in practice enterprises
4. Implementation of digital tools in digital marketing
5. Inclusion of creativity and innovation in the educational process.

Expectations for future collaborations

Inclusion and diversity of education and training via KA1 mobilities and KA2 projects. Digital transformation is essential for the future development of the economy no matter the country. It is important for our students to be prepared to work in the digital world without any fear or uncertainty. The growing need for internationalisation in any field, especially in education is an important value that is across the whole EU. Access to quality learning opportunities is crucial for each student and it is important that we provide such.

Expectations regarding the profile of staff to host

My expectations are for the international staff member are 1. knowledge in economics 2. knowledge in sustainability and environment protection 3. knowledge in marketing 4. good level in business English.

Overall program for the job-shadowing opportunity

1. Classes with VET students in economics and marketing with live presentations of our good practices.

2. Discussion/focus groups with other colleagues in different fields but with vast experience

3. Outdoor activities in environment and creativity and innovation classes

4. Joined lecture about a certain topic chosen between the hosts and the guest.


21 – 25 March 2022

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