Junta de Extremadura – DG of Vocational Training and Training for Employment, Regional Ministry of Education and Employment


Junta de Extremadura – DG of Vocational Training and Training for Employment, Regional Ministry of Education and Employment

Address: Avda. de Valhondo, s/n. Edificio Mérida III Milenio – 06800, Mérida, SPAIN

Telephone: +34 924 00 75 00

Website: juntaex.es/lajunta/consejeria-de-educacion-ciencia-y-formacion-profesional

Email: gabinete.ecfp@juntaex.es


The Junta de Extremadura is the institution in which the self-government of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura (Spain) is organised. Its functions and powers, which include establishing general policy and directing the autonomous administration, stem from the Statute of Autonomy of Extremadura, enacted on 25 February 1983.

The Regional Ministry of Education and Employment is part of the Regional Government of Extremadura. This ministry brings together the autonomous competences in the areas of education and training policy, university education, labour and employment policies.

Role in the ENNEPlus CoP

Junta de Extremadura joins the Spanish chapter to identify actions and projects to be translated into innovative VET practices and policies.

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