FPEMPRESA – VET Schools Association


FPEMPRESA VET Schools Association

Address: C. Padre Amigo, 5, Carabanchel, 28025 Madrid, SPAIN

Website: fpempresa.net

Email: info@fpempresa.net 

FPEmpresa is the meeting point for all those VET centres that want to boost their relations with the corporate world and contribute to the creation of a solid network of centres capable of sharing experiences and projects aimed at guaranteeing the development and consolidation of VET system in Spain.

The Association is a member of EfVET, the European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and it has cooperated with EGInA in the conduction of two editions of SCoopConSS, the Social Cooperative Contest for Secondary School.

Role in the ENNEPlus CoP

FPEmpresa is the managing
organization of the Spanish chapter.

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