Innogestiona Ambiental
Address: C. Santarén, 4, 06011 Badajoz, SPAIN
Telephone: +34 924 20 75 17
Innogestiona Ambiental is an environmental engineering company, specialised in the sustainable implementation of projects and initiatives. Our work focuses on the environmental, energy and sustainable mobility sectors, with a strong commitment to health, equity, participation and cultural heritage.
For the ENNEPlus project, Innogestiona developed two challenge-based learning scenarios on “Short Food Supply Chain” and “Protecting Biodiversity in Renewable Energy Power Plants”, and it will provide assistance to all the VET teams that will apply for the eco-digithon with related projects and ideas. Moreover, Innogestiona leads the project activities aimed at establishing and supporting VET driven Eco-innovative Communities in all project countries.
Innogestiona is the general manager of the CoP, joins the Spanish chapter and it provides mentorship for projects related to Short Food Supply Chain and Biodiversity.
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