ENNEPlus kick-off in Brussels!

The first transnational meeting of the ENNEPlus project took place last 30-31 January 2024 in Brussels (BE) at the headquarters of ALL DIGITAL, one of the two EU-wide networks (together with EfVET) represented in the consortium. The partners had the opportunity to go through the entire work plan of the project and take important decisions […]

Social Hackathon Umbria 2024: A celebration of Innovation and Sustainability in the green heart of ItalySocial Hackathon Umbria in Bevagna: the three dimensions of WellBeing!

The medieval town of Bevagna recently hosted an extraordinary gathering of young minds and innovative thinkers at the Social Hackathon Umbria 2024 (#SHU2024). Organized by the European Grants International Academy (EGInA), in collaboration with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità – Centro Nazionale Malattie Rare and the Crowddreaming Hackademy Lab Foligno 4D (CRHACK LAB F4D), this […]

ENNEPlus wants you… all the opportunities to join us and our VET networks!

After eight months from the official start of the project, the ENNEPlus project partners are now ready to engage Vocational Education and Training centres, Role Models and anyone else who is interested in the so called “twin transition”, in the Community of Practice hosted here online and connect them to boost eco-innovation at local, national […]