
ENNEPlus wants you… all the opportunities to join us and our VET networks!

After eight months from the official start of the project, the ENNEPlus project partners are now ready to engage Vocational Education and Training centres, Role Models and anyone else who is interested in the so called “twin transition”, in the Community of Practice hosted here online and connect them to boost eco-innovation at local, national and European level.

Indeed, in the coming weeks, we will launch different calls thorough the project website and our social media channels, which we anticipate here below:

Role Models on Eco-Innovation
Are you an innovator in the green sector? Do you advocate for environmental sustainability and climate change awareness? Would you like to share your story and expertise at EU level?

We are looking for twelve role models in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Austria for the realization of inspirational interviews that can guide and support the VET teachers and students who will join the first round of eco-digithons in the design of innovative solutions to the ecological challenges of their respective communities.

Open Educational Resources
Have you developed an educational resource on green technologies? Can you suggest an interesting case study on community-driven innovation for the green transition? Would you like to share your resource within the Community of Practice?

Based on the inputs collected during the focus groups and thanks to the expertise of our technical partners, we have designed 10 challenge-based scenarios on Sustainable Trasport, Green Construction, Renewable Energy, Environmental Awareness, Short Food Supply Chain, Biodiversity in Power Plants, Circular Economy, Water Scarcity, Water & Human Health, Water Quality. The teams selected for the eco-digithon will be given access to the scenarios and supported with related open educational resources.

Eco-digithons for teams of VET students
Last, but not least, we will soon launch the call for the selection of 10 teams in each project country composed by VET teachers and students who have a project on eco-innovation to be scaled-up and improved.

Selected teams will have access to the Community of Practice and mentored to enhance the impact of their projects at local level, finally competing in a national eco-digithon where the best three ideas will be awarded with incubation and/or acceleration programmes.

For more information, stay tuned on our project website, follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn or contact us here!