Regional School Office for Umbria
Address: Viale Carlo Manuali, 4 – 06121, Perugia, ITALY
Telephone: +39 075 58 281
Among other functions of an administrative nature, the Regional School Offices take care of the implementation, within their territorial area of competence, of the national policies for students and ensure the dissemination of information to all relevant schools.
Furthermore, the Regional School Offices promote the reconnaissance of training needs and the development of the relevant training offer on the territory in cooperation with the region and the local authorities. As an associate partner of ENNEPlus, the Regional School Office for Umbria will therefore contribute to the dissemination of the project’s objectives and results among the Upper Secondary Education Institutes of the Umbria Region.
USR Umbria joins the Italian chapter and promotes the active participation of VET centres located in the Umbria Region.
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