UNICAM – School of Pharmacy


UNICAM – School of Pharmacy

Address: Via Gentile III da Varano – 62032 Camerino (MC), ITALY

Telephone: +39 0737 403252

Website: farmaco.unicam.it

Email: scuola.farmaco@unicam.it


The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Products has always been a central School for the University of Camerino, one of the most numerous in the University with more than 1,500 students and has always been able to attract young people and train valid professionals who can easily enter the labour market.

The School’s teaching and research activities revolve around well-established assets that have strengthened and evolved over time, becoming central to the complex world of HEALTH and WELL-BEING. As an associate partner of ENNEPlus, UNICAM takes part in and supports the implementation of dissemination and quality assurance activities.

Role in the ENNEPlus CoP

UNICAM joins the Italian chapter and provides mentorship for projects related to its areas of competence.

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