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ENNE Project Meeting: KoM in Italy

ENNE Project started in 2019 and the first face-to-face meeting that is KoM was organized at the office of the project coordinator EGInA Srl in Italy.
During the KoM in Foligno city, all Partners – that are: EGInA for Italy, Belerasm for Belgium, WISAMAR for Germany, ECQ for Bulgary and ARTS&SKILLS for Portugal – discussed and they got in practice all strategies, opportunities and next steps have to be implemented in the future.

ENNE Project offers great opportunities for Students, Teachers and other Stakeholders to be involved in. The main mission is to create mobility and good connections in term of VET (Vocal Education Training) topic.
What ENNE Partners conceived? They seize the need of Europe and required through their knowledge based also on education and training expeciences.

The speed with which the society moves it requires continuous adjustments and new tools to cope with this demand of cooperation and improving of VET quality and attractiveness.

How do we understand this changes? Providing European citizens with the necessary skills to better meet the rapidly changing needs of labour markets. Following the guidelines of Copenhagen Declaration in 2002, The Bruges Communiqué 2011-2020 and according to the 2015 Riga Conclusions on VET and to the medium Term of Deliverables for 2015-2020 by developing high quality and labour market-relevant vocational skills and qualifications, VET providers should:

  • Promoting work-based learning in all its forms;
  • Developing quality assurance mechanisms in VET in line with the EQAVET recommendation. Transnational mobility for VET for the purpose of acquiring new skills is one of the fundamental ways through which individuals, can strengthen their employability as well as their personal development (European Commission 2009).

The ENNE Project objectives derives from the cooperation among project partners who are currently implementing an Erasmus+ KA2 project in the field of VET: INTOQUALITY – Association of Quality Intermediary Organizations Fostering Mobility in Europe – which starts from the idea that the internationalization strategy for VET providers contributes to the flexibility and employability of the European labour force

In each country ENNE Project has already identified 5 VET providers (mostly VET schools EQF4) who will represent the initial core of the National Networks, who are involved as associated partners and they’ve already committed to establishing the network if the project will be selected for funding.