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L’animation “Ta voix, ton choix, à toi de voter!”

L’Athénée Royal Bruxelles 2 est une école de la
Communauté française de Belgique. Ce pouvoir
organisateur a défini des missions prioritaires pour
tous les élèves qui suivent son enseignement. L’une
d’elles consiste à préparer les élèves à devenir des
“citoyens responsables, capables de contribuer au
développement d’une société démocratique,
solidaire, pluraliste et ouverte aux autres cultures”
(décret du 27 juillet 1997).

C’est dans ce cadre que tous les élèves suivent une heure de
cours obligatoire de philosophie et citoyenneté, quelle que soit l’option suivie. C’est grâce au professeur de cette discipline qu’une sortie a été organisée pour les élèves de 5e technique assistant(e)-pharmacien(ne) au Parlement Bruxellois.
Organisée au sein de l’hémicycle du Parlement Bruxellois, l’animation “Ta voix, ton choix, à toi de voter !” a permis aux élèves de siéger à la place des députés. Après une présentation des institutions politiques belges, des partis politiques, de leurs couleurs et des compétences régionales, les élèves ont été pris en charge en petits groupes afin de créer leur propre parti et établir leur programme. Ils ont ensuite défendu leurs trois priorités pour leur région, devant l’ensemble des jeunes. Un scrutin a ensuite été organisé, les faisant passer du rôle d’élu à celui d’électeur. Il s’agit d’une expérience participative très enrichissante qui permet à nos jeunes élèves,
bientôt en âge de voter, de comprendre et de s’approprier les enjeux des élections dans leur pays.
Pour plus d’informations, consultez ici.

Belgian news

Petit déjeuner equitable

Les élèves de l’Institut St-Joseph –La Louvière – Le Roeulx  à table pour un petit déjeuner PLUS qu’équitable ! Presque prêts.
Le 31 janvier dès 8h30, 180 élèves de 4GT, 6 GT et 6 TQ ont partecipées à un petit déjeuner mettant en avant les produits issus du circuit court et bio ainsi que du commerce équitable. Cette année, l’objectif “zéro déchet” est également à la carte.
Mercredi 5 février, le Lions Club La Louvière Hainaut Centre ass organisée la traditionnelle phase de sélection de son concours d’éloquence. Une vingtaine d’élèves venus d’école de la région du Centre étaient inscrits. Parmi eux, il y avait six rhétos de l’Institut SaintJoseph. Ils ont dû se présenter de manière originale et développer un sujet au choix en quatre minutes (“Le peuple mérite-t-il la démocratie?”, “L’action de Greta Thunberg est-elle un modèle sociétal?”, “L’intelligence artificielle est-elle dangereuse?”, etc. ).
Léa Hanappe et Thomas Dezutter se sont qualifiés pour la finale (samedi 14 mars), en compagnie de quatre autres candidats. Marion Brouillard a été choisie comme réserviste. Bravo à tous les participants!

Belgian news

Cabinetmakers and graphic designers honoured at the SIEP

This year the Royal Atheneaum Jean Tousseul was an exhibitor during the SIEP fair held in NAMUR with a special attention to our VET sections: the cabinetmakers and graphic designers. Students and teachers have honoured their sections by showing their skills.
SIEP fair is the biggest study fair in Wallonie and Brussels, and has aim to provide, all information on studies and professions. The SIEP
welcomes students, employers, training centre and it
documents, informs and advises anyone without discrimination or censorship, without judgment. The pluralism of information applied by the SIEP constitutes one of the guarantees of reliable, exhaustive
and complete information.

The main goals of the SIEP fair are:
– Present all the studies and training courses organized in the french speaking community (Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles);
– Discover the professional world, the diversity of trades and the skills required to be successful in the job market;
– Meet the information needs of visitors and support them in their research and their choices.

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ENNE Project Meeting: KoM in Italy

ENNE Project started in 2019 and the first face-to-face meeting that is KoM was organized at the office of the project coordinator EGInA Srl in Italy.
During the KoM in Foligno city, all Partners – that are: EGInA for Italy, Belerasm for Belgium, WISAMAR for Germany, ECQ for Bulgary and ARTS&SKILLS for Portugal – discussed and they got in practice all strategies, opportunities and next steps have to be implemented in the future.

ENNE Project offers great opportunities for Students, Teachers and other Stakeholders to be involved in. The main mission is to create mobility and good connections in term of VET (Vocal Education Training) topic.
What ENNE Partners conceived? They seize the need of Europe and required through their knowledge based also on education and training expeciences.

The speed with which the society moves it requires continuous adjustments and new tools to cope with this demand of cooperation and improving of VET quality and attractiveness.

How do we understand this changes? Providing European citizens with the necessary skills to better meet the rapidly changing needs of labour markets. Following the guidelines of Copenhagen Declaration in 2002, The Bruges Communiqué 2011-2020 and according to the 2015 Riga Conclusions on VET and to the medium Term of Deliverables for 2015-2020 by developing high quality and labour market-relevant vocational skills and qualifications, VET providers should:

  • Promoting work-based learning in all its forms;
  • Developing quality assurance mechanisms in VET in line with the EQAVET recommendation. Transnational mobility for VET for the purpose of acquiring new skills is one of the fundamental ways through which individuals, can strengthen their employability as well as their personal development (European Commission 2009).

The ENNE Project objectives derives from the cooperation among project partners who are currently implementing an Erasmus+ KA2 project in the field of VET: INTOQUALITY – Association of Quality Intermediary Organizations Fostering Mobility in Europe – which starts from the idea that the internationalization strategy for VET providers contributes to the flexibility and employability of the European labour force

In each country ENNE Project has already identified 5 VET providers (mostly VET schools EQF4) who will represent the initial core of the National Networks, who are involved as associated partners and they’ve already committed to establishing the network if the project will be selected for funding.

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From Declaration of Copenhagen to date

Taken place in November 2002, the Copenhagen Declaration focused on the enhancement of European cooperation in vocational education and training. This Declaration continues to play an important role in the European society. 

ENNE Project was born to meet the needs of Europe which demands strategies to improve the performance, quality and attractiveness of VET (Vocal Education Training). 

During the years, education and training have gained a key role in Europe and, as an integral part of economic and social policies, they were discussed in many meetings organized in the last 20 years. The successive guidelines produced – after Copenhagen Declaration – was based on the basic but important requirement of cooperation among all partners involved in the social and economic field.

New challenges and opportunities emerged in accordance with the rising needs for education and training and in alignment with the new technologies too.

All the needs of systems involved have to adapt themselves to the new developments and changing demand of society. Learning and mobility strategies are actually essential to promote employabilityactive citizenshipsocial inclusion and personal development.

New technologies and work labour challenges characterize the Europe of today; all the goals of the past should be integrated with current tools, but the main objectives remain the same: creating and enjoying the opportunities by increasing cooperation, mobility and foreign work, study and training experiences for teachers, students and other possible stakeholders.

What is ENNE?
ENNE resumes all of these ones. It has already established 5 national networks of VET and improved their quality and attractiveness, focusing on mobility opportunities.

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ENNE Project: communication, cooperation and dissemination

ENNE Project is based on communication, cooperation and dissemination, the main steps to create a VET Network and lead on all stakeholders can be involved in.

The ENNE project will adopt a focused dissemination strategy, targeting different outcomes and products to specific target groups. The promotion of the activities and the dissemination of the results will be undertaken through all the media and communication tools to reach all needs of the final users. Local and international events will be organized to reach indirect target groups and to allow experts in VET and other stakeholders to confront the project issues.

Anyone wants get in contact and keep in touch with all the ENNE Project activities can subscribe on the monthly newsletters, discover the leaflet, as well as social networks as: Facebook and Twitter accounts and all respect social pages related to each partners involved in. The ENNE newsletter will present project progress and major outcomes, also informing about future activities and general news on the topic of the project.