Check the Focus Groups results
A first mentored edition of the MOOC on “Quality of mobility projects in VET” has taken place and it is still available online (until the end of March 2021) and offers high-quality self-study materials in 6 languages.
Register here and get first-hand information and best practices from experienced mobility coordinators.
The course was addressed to VET staff interested in knowing more and/or applying for Transnational Cooperation Projects calls, in order to improve the educational experience of VET learners and staff.
The goal of the course was to provide guidance for the successful submission of Transnational Cooperation proposals in the field of VET and it was based on an intensive preparatory phase and actual proposal writing.
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Thanks to the ENNE project we have the chance to meet extraordinary people who represent role models in the enhancement and internationalization of VET. Students, teachers, company tutors and owners who have experienced first hand the importance to invest in vocational training and education for their personal and professional objectives, but also for the establishment of a common EU educational area that will lead us to a more sustainable, equal and diversified economic growth!
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and don’t miss the upcoming stories of VET good practices from the members of the ENNE National networks!
Ana Saavedra, Portuguese Entrepreneur
Guiomar Silva, Portuguese Teacher and School Director
Cátia Silva, Portuguese Student
Paolo Berti, Italian Entrepreneur
Margherita Battaglini, Italian Teacher
Mattia Castellani, Italian Student
Viktoria Raykova, Expert on European projects and programmes, Bulgaria
Penka Atanasova, Bulgarian VET School Deputy Director
Maya Zdravkova, Bulgarian Student
Clement Ickx, Belgian Internship Mentor
Cheryl and Vanessa, Belgian Teachers
Alan Litwinowicz, Belgian Student
Erik Pomplitz, German Master Carpenter
Sibylle Schulz-Shibru & Peggy Balt, German VET Teachers
Linda Pollmer, German Student
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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Agreement number: Nr 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR