Vocational School of Felgueiras
Address: Rua dos Bombeiros Voluntários, nº 104, Felgueiras, 4610-165, PORTUGAL
Telephone: +351 255 312 482
Website: epfelgueiras.pt
Students: 297
Staff: 43
Created in 1991, Vocational School of Felgueiras is located in Felgueiras, north of Portugal. The mission is to contribute to the integral training of young people by offering an adequate preparation for a qualified professional practice. It develops mechanisms of connection between the school and the institutions of the region in order to give to the students’ direct contact with the labour market and professional experience.
The goal is to provide educational services to the community based on the mutual exchange of knowledge in order to contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of the community.
The Vocational School of Felgueiras analyses the local and regional training needs in order to provide the appropriate responses. It is very important to promote, together with other agents and local institutions, the implementation of projects to train qualified human resources that responds to the needs of the regional market.
The thematic discussion on the topic Capacity Building of VET STAFF was moderated by Ms Darina Petrunova and Mrs Vanya Neycheva from European Center for
ENNE Project coordinated an international online conference on November the 9th named VET4FUTURE. The conference introduced to the future of vocational education thanks to Mr.
To celebrate the formal establishment of the 5 VET networks, ENNE’s project partners have decided to organise an online Conference, during the European Vocational Skills
Digital transformation and distance learning have been a hot topic since the Covid-19 outbreak. This was also clear during the inscriptions for this theme at
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Agreement number: Nr 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR