National High School in Finance and Business


National High School in Finance and Business

Address:  1 Rozova dolina Str. Sofia, 1421, Bulgaria

Telephone: +351 02 866 20 13



Students: 934
Staff: 86

VET Sectors

  • Business Administration
  • Business Services
  • Marketing

The National High School in Finance and Business (NHSFB) in Sofia is a descendent of the Sofia High School of Commerce for Boys, which was founded in 1913 with the initiative and with the financial support of the Sofia Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Since it came into existence, NHSFB has been regarded as a respected and preferred vocational high school. Thousands of experts have received their education in economics in the school and have graduated it with the qualifications of an « economist-accountant« . The general and field-specific knowledge that the students receive at the school gives them a firm basis and guarantees an outstanding performance in educational institutions and the industry.

The vocational training of the students includes a rich program in core subjects and foreign languages, an up-to-date training in economic theory and practice. The school cooperates closely with financial and accounting departments, research institutes, and cultural information centers in Western European countries. Their support makes possible the update and modernization of the school’s facilities.

Specialties offered by the school:

  • Economics and management;
  • Entrepreneurship and management;
  • Accountancy NHSFB applies active methods of education;
  • Educational-training firms;
  • Student companies;
  • Project method;
  • Economical computing;
  • Connections with the economy practice sections.

A link with the University for national and world economy and other universities. Groups according to interest. The school provides intensive studies of the following foreign languages: German, English or French.


latest news

Sustainable Development Goals

ENNE Project coordinated an international online conference on November the 9th named VET4FUTURE. The conference introduced to the future of vocational education thanks to Mr.

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