EGina – European Grants International Academy – a training agency operating in Foligno has promoted an interesting Erasmus+ project « SCoopConSS » (Sustainable Cooperative Ideas) for several high schools in the Umbria region.
The Istituto Tecnico Economico « Feliciano Scarpellini » joined the project with enthusiasm and acquiring its educational value in improving entrepreneurial skills in students, skills that are very much in line with the course of study and difficult to develop in a formal context and which constitute fundamental elements of the transversal competences for orientation pathway. Despite the fact that the meetings were held online, considering all the difficulties, the students of classes IV E and IVF of the Institute made a real effort to carry out this project, thanks to the constant and motivating work of tutors Prof Leonardo Rosignoli and Giovanna Rosaria Contu.
The project is also partnered by Next -Nuova Economia per tutti- an association based in Rome, which is committed to promoting and implementing a new economy: civil, more inclusive, participatory and sustainable, as opposed to the traditional profit-oriented economy that does not take into account the negative effects on the environment and people.
The aim is to develop, through the use of the Canvas Model, an innovative idea on which to create a business necessarily inspired by the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda. The students were divided into three groups that during the initial briefing shared the guidelines of the project and, through a brainstorming activity, developed several business ideas. One idea per group was selected and the best idea will be made public in May 2021. The best idea will participate in a national competition together with other Italian schools. The winning school will travel to Colfiorito for 4 days to discuss its business idea with European partners. The Egina coordinator, promoter of the project will offer all participants the opportunity to present their idea at the National Festival of Civil Economy.