The Work Based Learning continues!

Cooperativa de Ensino

The challenges of this peculiar period continue, but the learning of our learners from Vocational Education and Training cannot stop.
The school COOPETAPE has reported, in its social media pages, the success of two internships of the vocational course of Graphic Arts.

The learner Vítor Casal is currently doing his internship at ID3 Design e Publicidade, and the feedback could not be better: « this new internship partnership has been strengthened by the excellent dedication of our student… » « the student is always the first to arrive at the company… », »…always ready to help and learn… ».

The other success story is the learner Fátima Vieira, who is doing an internship at the company STAMP Agência de Publicidade. The experience has been very enriching for both sides: the student reports that « I am really enjoying this job very much… » and the company considers that these internships are an added value for the training of future graphic arts technicians.

Despite the pandemic we are living, everyone is respecting the safety recommendations of the Portuguese General Health Directorate so that it is possible to enrich the training of young people in safety.
