Bulgarian news

Bulgarian tourist attractions

Burgas is situated on the Black Sea, in the south-eastern part of the country. It is the fourth largest city in Bulgaria and is smaller and less crowded than other big city on Bulgarian Black Sea – Varna. The climate here is temperately continental with a distinct impact from the Black Sea

Burgas has a relaxed atmosphere with good shopping and an abundance of restaurants and outdoor cafes.The Sea Park is situated on a high shore, all of it cut by flowerbeds, trees and sculptures. Within the park, there is a casino, a small zoo and an open-air theatre.
The central beach is situated below the Sea Park, a beautiful forked staircase in verdure leads to the beach. The city has a northern beach, too, close to the Izgrev Quarter, adjacent to the salt mines.

Burgas is Bulgaria`s largest port and this is the primary focus of the city, but Bourgas is not only an important industrial centre – it has also considerable resources for tourism. The favourable geographical location and advanced transport infrastructure of Bourgass are good prerequisites for the development of tourism and trade.
The city is a starting point for visiting the seaside resorts in the area – Sunny Beach resort, the town of NessebarThe Elenite holiday village, etc. to the north and The Dyuni holiday villageSozopolKitenLozenets and others, to the south.

The city of Varna is located in North-East Bulgaria. It is third largest city after Sofia and Plovdiv and is called Bulgaria`s Sea Capital. The gem of the Bulgarian Black Sea is situated at the end of the big Varna Bay, with a convenient and well conserved water area a port wich in years handles up to 18 million tons of cargo. Nowadays it is the main port for both naval and commercial shipping and, adjacent as it is to the coastal resorts of Constantine and Helena (Druzhba), RivieraGolden Sands, and Albena, it has a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Sailors on shore-leave in unfamiliar ceremonial uniforms, mingle with foreign tourists and locals as they promenade along shady boulevards, lined by dignified 19th and early 20th century buildings. The city`s peculiar sea charm is sublime and moving. Ancient, medival, renaissance and modern cultures mingle and coexist through the city.
The city is clean and green. Of the green miracles at least three are a must: the Marine Gardens which are the largest in the Balkans; Euxinograd park, the former Royal Palace; the paradise of St.Constantine.
Varna is a city of old culture, living traditions and ambitious undertakings. Some 20 per cent of its population are students in various educational institutions, four of which are higher.

German news

Exploring Leipzig – Make it Your Way

A little while ago, we already introduced you to Leipzig as the city of trade and classical music, home of the international book fair, a major economic hub of the region, and simply a great place to live, work, and travel: The wide range of sports events, cultural activities, varieties of accommodation and restaurants as well as innovative start-ups, tradition-steeped companies and industry offer a great multitude of internship possibilities for students and apprentices. In that article you can also find a bunch of useful tips for when you first visit Leipzig and what the main attractions are. And while all those sights are truly a must-see when you come to Leipzig, there are a number of areas worth exploring that are not normally found on your regular tourist itineraries. Are you ready to get off the beaten path? As part of the Erasmus+ project ProWomen, women from Leipzig have developed travel routes that give you an all new perspective on this beautiful city! You can find the entire routes as a google map here.

Did you know, for example that Leipzig has extensive waterways that would make it (almost) possible to canoe all the way to Hamburg?! Even if that is not you ambition, the rivers and canals in the city make for great views and nature observation, especially in the summer! Depending on which way you swing your paddle, you will see the historic industrial style buildings from the 19th century that Leipzig is famous for or be surrounded by the unique nature of the flood-plain forest. If you are lucky, you might even be able to see kingfishers! Leipzig’s waterways give you lots of possibilities to paddle and row, for beginners and pros alike. Your exact route will depend on where you rent your boat and how fit you are, but certainly you can stop and visit one of the many lovely cafés and Biergardens along the way to get some rest. Note that especially on days with nice weather it might be a good idea to call ahead at the boat rentals and check if boats are available. You can also check if guided tours are offered for additional information.

Did you know that many famous women have left their trace around Leipzig? You can follow the footsteps and achievements of composer Clara Schumann, poet Lene Voigt, and politicians Louise Otto-Peters and Clara Zetkin through another route of the ProWomen project. This route circles the city center counter-clockwise, so all spots are also close to other interesting sights and will take you to the most famous parts of the city. You can walk large parts of the way or ride your bike (especially in the parks). Most of the route is wheelchair friendly and easily reached by public transportation. This route is perfect if you want to spend about half a day exploring and do not want to venture too far from the city center. Except for the Schumann-Haus, you are also independent of opening hours.

This tour will take you to some of the best known urban green spaces of Leipzig: The city dedicated an award-winning park to Lene Voigt in the neighborhood of Reudnitz which in recent years has become very popular especially with young people. Leipzig’s biggest and most famous park is named after Clara Zetkin. Here you find the historic race track, a concert stage, as well as the Sachsenbrücke (Saxony Bridge) which is one of the most popular places to hang out in the city. And finally, the memorial of Louise Otto Peters is located in the Rosental park. Not only is it the location of the Gewandhaus orchestra’s annual free open air concert but from here you can observe the giraffes and zebras from the neighboring zoo! 

And when you have explored every nook and cranny of the city center, venture North for a little bit of nature and Old-world grandeur around the castle in Lützschena! The route combines cultural, historic, and natural heritage. It is located in the north-west of Leipzig and can be done either by foot or by bike. Not many tourists venture north of the city center, and most people know the area mainly for the airport and the hubs of DHL, Porsche, and Amazon. However, as this route shows, there is much to explore!

For the best way to explore, rent a bike and ride from the city center along the Luppe dam to the first stop! Once you enter the park at the University’s sport campus, you can ride undisturbed by car traffic. Your first stop will be lake Auensee, which It came into being through the mining of gravel for the main station. A short bike ride from the lake you will find the castle of Lützschena and its adjacent park. Today’s castle was built in 1864, however, the first documented mention of a manor in this place dates back to the 13th century. Today, the castle is in private ownership, yet the park is open to the public and visitors can explore the beautiful landscape.

From the park, you have direct access to the Leipzig floodplain forest, which is a registered landscape conservation area that serves an important function of flood control for the cities of Leipzig and Schkeuditz. On your route, you will follow the Neue Luppe, an artificial canal of 13km which belongs to the local river system. The Luppeaue has been a nature reserve since 1993. If you want to know more about this unique eco-system, visit the Auwaldstation: This information center gives you great insight and there is no entrance fee either!

Detailed routes from all partner countries will be published by the ProWomen project around September 2021. Check the Facebook account or the website for news!

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From Belgium: ‘Learning Without Borders’

Caring Authentic Progressive Education, with this project, gives 6 chemistry students the opportunity to do an internship abroad.

They work together with partners in Istanbul, where two students do an internship in a company linked to the school, and Lleida, Spain where students do internships in chemical companies nearby. The preparation is done through an eTwinning project with the partners. Participation in the Erasmus+ program fits in the continuous improvement of the internationalization policy within our educational project.

Italian news

Esperienze per resistere

A conclusione di questo anno scolastico fortemente caratterizzato dalle difficoltà legate alla situazione che tutti viviamo, possiamo comunque evidenziare alcuni aspetti positivi.

Una novità rispetto all’anno trascorso è stata la sperimentazione dei laboratori in presenza durante il periodo di confinamento: laboratori di ceramica, disegno e pittura, musica, fotografia, cinema, motoria, inglese, educazione civica, informatica e robotica destinati agli alunni BES. Si è trattato di promuovere un’iniziativa che attraverso la metodologia del Cooperative Learning e di attività pratiche ha permesso ai nostri ragazzi di non perdere il senso di appartenenza alla comunità scolastica, contrastando così l’isolamento imposto dalla pandemia.

Inoltre, alcune delle attività che non potevano essere svolte in presenza, sono state sostituite da eventi online. Fra le più significative e coinvolgenti si segnala il Debate virtuale internazionale che ha visto protagonisti alcuni allievi della nostra scuola e studenti americani, giapponesi, francesi, spagnoli e tedeschi in un confronto sulla tematica dello ‘Youth Activism’.

Un’altra iniziativa che ha permesso di mantenere alunni e docenti in contatto, arricchendo l’offerta culturale dell’Istituto, è stato l’appuntamento ‘Parole e Bit’: una serie di incontri online settimanali su tematiche di varia natura (Storia, Fisica, Arte, Turismo…).

Nonostante le risorse messe in campo, la distanza ha fortemente penalizzato i laboratori e le mobilità Erasmus che connotano il nostro Istituto Tecnico. Per “resistere” alla pesante situazione, i docenti e gli studenti hanno continuato a lavorare on-line: le mobilità fisiche sono state sostituite da incontri da remoto e si sono potenziate le attività sulla piattaforma e-twinning, sia aumentando il numero dei progetti e-twinning, sia usando la piattaforma per sostenere i vari progetti europei in corso.

Anche la tradizionale Festa dell’Europa, che in qualità di Scuola Ambasciatrice del Parlamento Europeo, il nostro Istituto organizza ormai da qualche anno, ha avuto luogo on –line.

Con il concorso dei nostri studenti, guidati dagli insegnanti, dai tecnici della scuola e da esperti esterni, è stata realizzata una giornata speciale con 19 scuole in rete e interventi di esperti e personalità dell’Unione Europea.

Per concludere questo breve bilancio, si può affermare che di più e meglio poteva sicuramente essere fatto, ma si deve altresì sottolineare lo sforzo di tutta la comunità scolastica per alleggerire il peso della distanza e trovare delle opportunità anche in questo difficile momento.

Italian news

E-state in “dental-cad”

L’Istituto Pertini di Afragola della provincia di Napoli continua a perseverare nella sua MISSION ponendosi come obiettivo quello di garantire alle proprie studentesse e ai propri studenti il raggiungimento del successo formativo ancor di più durante questo impervio periodo storico.

Per questo motivo, usufruendo in parte delle risorse erogate dallo Stato per realizzare il “Piano Scuola per l’Estate 2021” e quelle del Fondo di Istituto, grazie alla passione e alla tenacia dei propri docenti, ha dato vita ad un nuovo Progetto destinato all’Istituto Professionale Socio-sanitario articolazione odontotecnico. Tale progetto denominato DENTAL-CAD destinato alle classi III e IV, mira allo sviluppo delle competenze digitali degli studenti nonché a quello delle metodologie e delle attività laboratoriali.

Il progetto mira a favorire sicuramente il potenziamento delle competenze disciplinari ma anche e soprattutto quelle relazionali particolarmente penalizzate dall’adozione delle misure restrittive a cui gli Istituti scolastici si sono dovuti adeguare a causa della pandemia da Covid-19 attraverso interventi specifici da realizzarsi completamente nel Laboratorio di odontotecnico dell’Istituto e che contemplano anche l’acquisto di materiali di consumo e di attrezzature adatte allo svolgimento delle stesse attività.

La sua finalità è infatti quella di restituire agli alunni esperienze di laboratorio atte a rafforzare ed incrementare le competenze già acquisite e di colmare il gap formativo legato alla didattica a distanza. Gli studenti lavorano infatti in piccoli gruppi eterogenei in modalità di cooperative-learning e di tutoring attraverso la realizzazione di compiti di realtà da realizzarsi attraverso esercitazioni pratiche sia digitali che analogiche strettamente interconnesse tra loro.

Per le attività legate al digitale vengono utilizzati PC portatili, scanner e stampante 3D  e del software CAD Meshmixer. Il progetto si propone la modellazione dei denti posteriori superiori e la progettazione e modellazione in cera di una struttura scheletrica superiore ed inferiore.

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eTwinning project developed by Agrupamento de Escolas de Arrifana

This school year, the Agrupamento de Escolas de Arrifana developed an eTwinning project, in the scope of the English class, with the students from the 11th year of the Vocational Course in Youth Technician.

In general, the involvement in eTwinning projects aims to promote a more appealing and stimulating teaching. By participating in these projects, students develop communication, linguistic, social (meet new people, communicating in writing, speaking in online meetings), digital (ability to handle technologies) skills, develop their knowledge about their own culture as well as other cultures, and their self-knowledge. The main goal is to develop a spirit of cooperation, interpersonal relationships, responsibility, critical thinking, creativity, among others.

The project J.O.C.A (Just One Click Away) was developed by 7 countries, Portugal, Turkey, Poland, Spain, Romania, Czech Republic and Croatia, and involved 18 teachers and 165 students. The main objective of this project was to broaden students’ knowledge, mainly of those who live in more rural areas, about the world around them – cultural and historical places, museums, monasteries, among others -, not only in their own country but also around the world, using different digital tools and virtual trips. Thus, with just one click, students were able to visit places that otherwise would not be possible. Students learned facts about the places they have studied/visited and prepared presentations for the online meetings among the various partners. It is worth mentioning that this project has as identification logo, created by a student of our team. The class participated enthusiastically in the project, which started in October 2020 and ended in May 2021.

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How to create blended learning in VET?

Blended learning is not only up and coming since the outbreak of Covid-19. Blended learning is a mixture of presence and online learning and has many advantages for students and teachers. But how can you transform your lessons into a blended learning style?

The Erasmus+ project BlendedVET (Blended Learning Creations in VET Trainings) wants to support VET teachers with this transformation of existing training into blended learning or with the creation of blended learning trainings. To achieve this, we will develop different products between 2020 and 2022.

These products will be:

  • A Collection and research of blended learning best practices and methods
  • A Learning package for blended learning curricular creation
  • A Blended learning training program model
  • A Learning platform

Behind BlendedVET is a European partnership of organisations from France, Italy, Lithuania, Norway and for Germany the ENNE partner Wisamar. Accordingly, all materials produced will be available in the respective languages as well as English.
Check the project’s website to get the latest information: