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eTwinning project developed by Agrupamento de Escolas de Arrifana

This school year, the Agrupamento de Escolas de Arrifana developed an eTwinning project, in the scope of the English class, with the students from the 11th year of the Vocational Course in Youth Technician.

In general, the involvement in eTwinning projects aims to promote a more appealing and stimulating teaching. By participating in these projects, students develop communication, linguistic, social (meet new people, communicating in writing, speaking in online meetings), digital (ability to handle technologies) skills, develop their knowledge about their own culture as well as other cultures, and their self-knowledge. The main goal is to develop a spirit of cooperation, interpersonal relationships, responsibility, critical thinking, creativity, among others.

The project J.O.C.A (Just One Click Away) was developed by 7 countries, Portugal, Turkey, Poland, Spain, Romania, Czech Republic and Croatia, and involved 18 teachers and 165 students. The main objective of this project was to broaden students’ knowledge, mainly of those who live in more rural areas, about the world around them – cultural and historical places, museums, monasteries, among others -, not only in their own country but also around the world, using different digital tools and virtual trips. Thus, with just one click, students were able to visit places that otherwise would not be possible. Students learned facts about the places they have studied/visited and prepared presentations for the online meetings among the various partners. It is worth mentioning that this project has as identification logo, created by a student of our team. The class participated enthusiastically in the project, which started in October 2020 and ended in May 2021.

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How to create blended learning in VET?

Blended learning is not only up and coming since the outbreak of Covid-19. Blended learning is a mixture of presence and online learning and has many advantages for students and teachers. But how can you transform your lessons into a blended learning style?

The Erasmus+ project BlendedVET (Blended Learning Creations in VET Trainings) wants to support VET teachers with this transformation of existing training into blended learning or with the creation of blended learning trainings. To achieve this, we will develop different products between 2020 and 2022.

These products will be:

  • A Collection and research of blended learning best practices and methods
  • A Learning package for blended learning curricular creation
  • A Blended learning training program model
  • A Learning platform

Behind BlendedVET is a European partnership of organisations from France, Italy, Lithuania, Norway and for Germany the ENNE partner Wisamar. Accordingly, all materials produced will be available in the respective languages as well as English.
Check the project’s website to get the latest information:

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From Germany Ecological sustainability in project management

How green is the management of your project? What do you consider when you organise training sessions or events? What kind of marketing and dissemination materials do you use for your project? How do you travel for a project?

The Think Twice! project, implemented under the Erasmus+ programme, want to encourage you to think twice about your day-to-day activities in managing (not only) European funded projects and the impact they might have on the environment.

The outputs will be:

  • Curated Treasury of good practice in ecologically sustainable project management. The Treasury will inspire you to find solutions within your own organisation and provide you with enough information for you to make conscious decisions.
  • Stress Test of current practice leading to a personalised Learning Pathway. Based on the contents of the Treasury, an interactive Stress Test “How green is the management of my project?” will be developed to test the ecological sustainability of your own project management.

There are 8 organizations from Europe in the partnership of Think Twice!, coordinated by Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gGmbH. At their first meeting, the partners agreed that much of their current practice in project management could be improved and made more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

So stay tuned and Think Twice! with

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Francisco de Holanda, has a relevant component of its educational offer centred on VET

Francisco de Holanda Secondary School has a relevant component of its educational offer centred on Vocational Education and Training (VET), in compliance with its Educational Project that defines two very concrete and clear axes: 1) Educating for Knowledge and 2) Educating in Citizenship

It has invested and fostered interdisciplinary and differentiating projects, evolving teachers, students, and local community. Two examples are the Sexual Education Project andThe Rhetoric Tournament.
In the Sexual Education Project, students are invited to attend or participate actively in different activities, such as Art Exhibitions, Thematic Debates, Article Presentations, Theatre Performances, Literary Exhibitions and Tertulia, and Cinema Cycles. Among the integrating themes, we can find “Gender Equality”, “Gender Construction and Identity”, “Violence and Gender Differences”, “Sexual Order Pathologies”, and Gender Violence and Dating Violence.
The activities always take place during class time, but outside the classroom. Students are invited and welcomed in places associated with Arts and Culture in Guimarães, such as Associação Artística Vimaranense, Sociedade Martins Sarmento, Municipal Library, Centro Internacional das Artes José Guimarães (CIAJG). Over the years, it has involved experts from different fields, such as psychiatric and sexologist Pedro Morgado, from the University of Minho; human rights activists, such as João Paulo from Portugal Gay; feminist associations like UMAR; Republic Assembly Deputies, such as Joana Mortágua or Alexandra Vieira. In these new pandemic times, the project adapted to the contingencies and adopted the Open Classes and Webinars formats and Facebook Livestreams.

The other project that integrates and promotes social integration and citizenship, as well as democratic and responsible civic participation, is the Rhetoric Tournament. It is organized with the support of Associação Artística Vimaranense, an artistic and social association based in Guimarães. In this project, students are challenged to prepare and discuss fracturing social themes such as euthanasia, creation or legalization of mixed bathrooms in school and compete with each other until the big finale. All of the students, teachers and the local community are invited to attend the open sessions of the tournament.
These projects have proved to be both differentiators and facilitators of interaction among classes and among different disciplines curricula. Additionally, they promote common European values, foster social integration; enhance intercultural understanding and the creation of a common identity based on social, historical and cultural European and human values. Finally, but most important, these cross-curricular projects prevent radicalisation and lack of tolerance and human values.

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Esploriamo il nostro patrimonio culturale con la tecnologia e l’arte

Si son appena conclusi gli “incontri” tra i ragazzi di due prime medie dell’I.O. Pestalozzi (scuola capofila), con i “colleghi” di 4 scuole di altrettanti Paesi Europei –Lituania, Paesi Bassi, Romania e Turchia – che partecipano al Progetto Erasmus Plus “Let’s Explore our Cultural Heritage with Technology and Art“.

Tale progetto, legato all’Azione Chiave 2, prevede quattro mobilità che, per ovvie ragioni, al momento sono sospese, di piccoli gruppi di 6 studenti, accompagnati da 2 docenti, nell’arco di 24 mesi.

Durante questi brevi tour virtuali in tre delle cinque nazioni coinvolte, la prima tappa è stata “la nostra bella Sicilia”. L’incontro è stato coordinato dal Dirigente Scolastico, prof.ssa Elena Di Blasi, che sta facendo dell’Internazionalizzazione uno dei baluardi della sua azione gestionale e didattica: “Ho iniziato a lavorare all’Erasmus Plus, insieme alle scuole partner, in pieno Lockdown – racconta la preside – un anno fa, nonostante le preoccupazioni, ho assunto il coordinamento della candidatura di questo progetto. Un semino piantato in “pieno inverno” comincia timidamente a farsi vedere ai margini di questa primavera: un piccolo assaggio di ciò che, auspichiamo tutti, potrà tornare ad essere un viaggio reale. Stay tuned!


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DigiFrame: Teachers’ Framework on Digitalisation & Innovation

Syntra West and Syntra Limburg started this Erasmus + project in March 2021. With partners from Denmark, Finland and Ireland, we focus on the digital skills of our teachers.

We are developing a 360° Assessment Tool to map digital skills among teachers and a personal learning path to strengthen these skills. We are investigating how to strengthen the innovative climate within our organizations.

Knowledge gained within the project will be shared online and through events in the partner countries.

More information:

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Pedagogical Restaurant

During this time of pandemic and remote teaching, good practices had to be reinvented.

The distance prevents us from smelling the smells and feel the textures, as well as tasting the flavors of the different dishes produced by the Cookery/Pastry students, which would be more complete with the harmonization of the drinks proposed by the Restaurant-Bar students.

However, thanks to the work done by the Multimedia students, the Escola Secundária de Felgueiras present the Pedagogical Restaurant.  

Teachers and students (current and former students) of the Vocational Courses of Cookery/Pastry, Restaurant-Bar and Multimedia are involved in this project.

Watch the video!

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FICA Project

The FICA project (Fight Against Absenteeism / School Dropout) began in September 2019 as way of responding to the goals of the educational project, which aims at reducing the students’ absenteeism and dropout and, consequently, increase the successful completion of the courses attended.

At the moment, FICA consists of a psychologist and four teachers from the Escola Profissional Dr. Francisco Fernandes ( that, together with the course coordinators/mediators and the parents, try to manage deviant or risky behaviors that may compromise school success. 

With this team, trainees can find a trusting environment where they can freely share their problems, thus allowing the definition of joint strategies that seek the improvement of their school situation.

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Attuazione del piano strategico europeo “Web Marketing Accelerator” corso di formazione

Nell’ambito del progetto Erasmus +KA3 Digital Tourism, sarà avviato a breve un corso di formazione dal titolo “Accelleratore di web Marketing” tenuto dalla professoressa Valentina la Magna, docente dell’istituto, esperta in web marketing.

Sarà strutturato in 10 incontri da 3h per un totale di 30h e prevede indicativamente per ogni modulo una prima parte introduttiva teorica, per passare poi successivamente a una parte più pratica che porterà gli studenti a possedere conoscenze concrete e a lavorare sino al termine dell’anno sul piano editoriale Social dell’Istituto, guidato dalla tutor ed altri docenti.

L’idea è quella di accompagnare i ragazzi durante lo sviluppo graduale di una strategia di Web Marketing di un’ipotetica attività turistica, che troverà applicazione nelle esperienze dirette di PCTO, fornendo competenze spendibili nel mercato del lavoro. Nei primi quattro moduli si porranno le basi per permettere ai ragazzi di appoggiarsi su conoscenze necessarie nel mondo del Web. Il corso partirà a breve e impegnerà studenti delle classi quarte e quinte.

Il piano di Internazionalizzazione di Istituto è programmato ad ampio raggio e si è riusciti a incrociare proficuamente le molte attività portate avanti dall’Istituto. Le competenze acquisite durante il corso “ Accelleratore di WEB Marketing” saranno infatti messe a frutto nell’immediato dagli studenti delle classi quinte neodiplomati, selezionati nell’ambito del progetto KA116 “W.I.I.P. Widenening Inclusion and Internationalization Plan che svolgeranno nei mesi di luglio/agosto 2021 un tirocinio trasnazionale di 5 settimane in aziende europee specializzate nel settore.
Gli studenti delle classi IV potranno esperienziarsi nell’anno successivo e continuare ad animare i canali comunicativi dell’Istituto. Anche per loro è previsto un tirocinio transnazionale di 5 settimane in aziende specializzate nei mesi di settembre /ottobre 2021, in seno al progetto KA116 UPVET, Carta della mobilità

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Presentation of the National Calls for VET Staff and Learners

The European Commission states that “education, training, youth work and sport are key to promote common European values, foster social integration, enhance intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community and to prevent radical radicalisation”.

The Erasmus+ programme, besides of enhancing the academic and professional course of its participants, also improves the knowledge of new cultures, new languages, intercultural communication and interaction, and the sense of what it is like to be a European citizen.

The mobility actions for VET learners and staff strengths the employability of its participants, facilitates entrance in the labour market and it also foster their personal development.

The ENNE project has as an objective the enhancement of VET quality and attractiveness, with a specific focus on mobility opportunities. VET staff and learners will be encouraged to take part in VET mobility experiences. Each country will make available mobility grants for learners willing to take part in a WBL experience abroad and for job-shadowing activities for teachers. These mobility experiences aim at the:

  • Promotion of peer-learning methodologies among VET staff;
  • Promotion of the acquisition of soft skills for VET learners;
  • Promotion of WBL (Work Based Learning) and mobility for VET learners and staff.

With this is mind, the project partners will soon launch two national calls: one for VET Staff and one for VET Learners.

Internal call for VET teachers to apply for a Job-shadowing activity abroad; followed by the evaluation, selection and implementation of the Job-shadowing experience:

Most of teachers have little to no experience in careers outside of education and may have difficulty to understanding clearly how students will apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their academic courses. Because of this, activities such as Job-shadowing based on best practices can be of great value for these teachers. The implementation of Job-shadowing abroad aims at:

  • Give teachers the opportunity to observe and learn the best practices developed in other EU countries;
  • Inspire new ideas for teaching in VET;
  • Give hosting organisation the opportunity to interact with a teacher coming from another country and discuss about today’s educational challenges and opportunities;
  • Create/strengthen connections between teachers and the potential partners capable of providing them with expertise and resources for their classrooms and schools.

Internal call for WBL experiences abroad for VET Learners, followed by the evaluation, selection and implementation of the WBL experiences:

Transnational mobility aimed at acquiring new skills is one of the fundamental ways through which individuals, particularly young people, can strengthen their future employability and foster their personal development. VET enables these young learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and experience they need to succeed in the labour market, whether for a specific job or for a wider range of occupations.

Based on the experience and on the inspiration of role models videos, previously developed and released by the project partners, VET learners will apply for this call, presenting their own Work Based Learning project.

These two national calls will be directed to the associated partners of the 5 National Networks ENNE (Portugal, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, and Belgium). Teachers and learners will have to submit their applications, which will be evaluated by the project partners, and the selected participants will have the opportunity to participate in the mobility activities, offered by the ENNE project.