Dutch news


Het projectteam reviseerde en ontwikkelde een reeks instrumenten (bv. schema’s, protocollen, …) over het omgaan met diversiteit op basis van een gemeenschappelijk referentiekader.

Elke partner ontwikkelde activiteiten in lokale scholen rond dit thema. Het projectteam ontwierp internationale opleidingen. Op basis van alle ervaringen bieden wij een blauwdruk en een stappenplan die voor gebruik door de gebruiker in de juiste context moeten worden geplaatst/aangepast.

Scholen: Catholic Education Flanders

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#ITKAM4EUROPE: “digit” project recruitment of testers for toolkit#1

Since January 1, 2022, ITKAM – Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany is the coordinator of the DIGIT project (DIGItal Transformation of Internationalization process), funded by the German National Erasmus+ Agency NABIBB.

DIGIT has emerged as a response to the COVID -19 pandemic situation, which has required SMEs in the agrifood sector in particular to rapidly strengthen digital skills in the sales and marketing process. These companies have had to adapt to digital marketing strategies and develop and implement new online or hybrid events within a few weeks.

DIGIT aims to develop three OERs training materials (Open Electronic Resources) for internationalization experts (e.g. employees of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Chambers of Commerce Abroad) and for internationalization trainers (e.g. teachers at vocational schools for foreign trade or trainers at Chambers of Commerce and Industry).



The first of the three OERs training materials is Toolkit #1. This toolkit will provide a guide for experts and educators in the internationalization field and will address content including:

  • Use of online research tools for target markets.
  • Use of social media for sales and internationalization campaigns
  • Use of B2B platforms
  • Data protection compliance (GDPR)



ITKAM is looking for testers with the following profiles for Toolkit#1:

  • Export managers in medium-sized companies in the agricultural sector.
  • Experts for international trade
  • Vocational school teachers and trainers in the field of foreign trade

Internationalisation experts will implement the Toolkit#1 at SMEs they serve as clients. Teachers will deliver the Toolkit#1 content to their learners. Selected testers can benefit from all three OERs training materials in advance and free of charge.

Toolkit#1 is an online course with approximately 10 hours of learning time. Testing will take place in September/October 2022. The available places for testing from Toolkit#1 are:

35 trainers/educators as well as teachers in vocational education and training.
35 places for export managers/event planners and trade experts

Apply as a tester for Toolkit #1 until June 30, 2022 at this link:

Ms. Raffaella Saviori (; +49 (0) 69 971452 42)
Ms. Sonia Barani (; +49 (0) 341 98972513)

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Inclusion through Mobility

All over Europe there is a need for innovative ways to include young people in difficulty into education and training. Internships abroad offer great opportunities for learners as they have a positive effect on learning performance and motivation, support the further development of personality and significantly improve the chances on the labour market.

The Erasmus+ project InMobVET therefore developed the following resources to facilitate the inclusion through mobility:


  • A GUIDE FOR EDUCATORS includes information about the role of educators and parents, about motivational strategies, intercultural learning and of course international mobility.
  • A TRAINING MODULE ON INTERCULTURALITY aims to facilitate the inclusion of young people in the school community and to prepare young people with social and academic difficulties for the immersion in a foreign company during a mobility. It involves activities on cultural awareness, intercultural communication, adaptability, openness, self-efficacy and respect for others.


On our website ( you can find both resources as open educational resources.

Dutch news

Hoe VET onderwijs industie helpt en omgekeerd

Het PTI van Kortrijk startte een samenwerking met Pertersime (grootste producent wereldwijd van broedmachines) voor de bouw van een heuse kippenstal als testlabo in de school.

VET leerlingen en leerkrachten kweken om de 6 weken 500 kippen op van 50g tot +/- 3kg onder verschillende doch geijkte omstandigheden. Ze voederen en doen de 2 wekelijkse weging van de dieren. De data die hier gegenereerd wordt is de basis voor studies mbt voederconversies

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BIBB President Esser: “Securing skilled labour will be one of the greatest challenges of this decade”

PHOTO Credits: by Sten Rademaker on Unsplash


After the considerable losses last year in the wake of the Corona pandemic and its combating, the current situation on the training market only eased slightly in 2021. With a total of 473,100 newly concluded contracts for vocational training, 52,000 fewer contracts were concluded than in 2019, before the Corona pandemic.

The number of training places on offer in 2021 was 536,200, more than 40,000 fewer than in 2019, before the Corona pandemic (578,200).  

The number of young people seeking dual vocational training fell again by 4,800 (-0.9%) to 540,900 compared to the previous year. The demand for training places thus reached a new low since 1992, when the data for the reunified Germany were first available.

In contrast, the number of unfilled training places continued to rise and reached a new record level. 63,200 training places remained unfilled in 2021. The number of unfilled training places had already steadily increased in previous years (2019: 53,100, 2020: 59,900).

BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser said the Corona pandemic also had a firm grip on the training market in 2021. Dual training continues to be a central component for qualifying the skilled workers of tomorrow. Nevertheless, the uncertainty caused by the ongoing pandemic is palpable among companies and young people. An increasing problem is a steadily decreasing demand for training places by youths and young adults. Because “where there is a lack of trainees today, there will be a lack of skilled workers tomorrow,” said Esser.

Therefore, finding and qualifying enough skilled workers will be one of the greatest challenges of the current decade. An attractive and robust vocational education and training system is needed to meet this challenge.

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Connectief & EGInA: mobility activities

Thanks to the ENNE project, where Connectief and EGInA are partners. Last November, they were able to develop work placement activities for 10 Belgian students in Italy with the Erasdu mobility project. EGInA supported Connectief to research the best companies to host the learners.

The 10 students came from different sectors in the fields: “Care”, “Administration”, “Tourism”, “HORECA” and “Automechanics” of GOTalent (Dendermonde), Petrus en Paulus (Oostende), ZAVO (Zaventem), Atheneum Brakel, Atheneum Mortsel and HTISA (Gent).

The experience lasted 15 days and each student was able to work in companies in the area of Foligno (Umbria). They all expressed a positive opinion and underlined the importance of gaining experience abroad to grow professionally and personally.

Thanks to the companies that hosted the 10 students:

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An overview of the general situation of schools in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, the school year starts in mid of September. Despite the global pandemic situation on 15 September 2021, all schools opened and welcomed all students for the 2021/2022 school year with strict consideration of the National epidemic measures.

The situation in Bulgaria in the last months was very dynamic and it tested on many occasions the flexibility of all schools and the overall preparation and reactions of the National system.

Despite all factors main driven power of the last 3 months was the motivation of the schools’ authorities, parents and students in close cooperation with the national bodies to ensure the learning is happening in a rather difficult situation. The schools and educational entities were to consider the local circumstances and National recommendations for the organization of the learning process. One major lockdown took all students out of schools in October-November.

For most of the Bulgarian schools that are part of the ENNE network the main focus in the last months was the local organization of the learning processes while introducing online, face-to-face or blended forms of teaching. Since the National regulations and COVID-19 measures were not easily predictable the schools and educational entities were to adapt, invent, cooperate and innovate new measures mainly focused on the local realities and specific needs in their schools’ communities.

Some of the Network members managed also to work beyond the basics and get involved in international activities, competitions and mobilities. PGEE Gylabovo also received VET accreditation for KA1 mobilities under Erasmus +.

The National network members also supported and were involved in the following ENNE project activities related to Job shadowing and VET learners mobilities.


Dutch news

De virologische maleise

Na een begin van een schooljaar waarin alles kon heeft de realiteit ons opnieuw ingehaald. Vaccinaties maken ons jammer genoeg toch niet onoverwinnelijk. Dankzij een hoge vaccinatiegraad konden scholen lang als vanouds lesgeven. De basisscholen en hun ongevaccineerde jonge leerlingen werden echter de motor van de verspreiding van het virus waardoor we opnieuw tot maatregelen genoodzaakt zijn. De kerstvakantie is uitgebreid tot 3 weken. Opnieuw zijn buitenschoolse uitstappen verboden en is mondmaskerplicht ingevoerd vanaf de leeftijd van 6 jaar.

En toch!

In november kon Connectief met haar project ErasDu 71 leerlingen naar het buitenlands sturen voor een stage van 2 weken. Voor het eerst sinds de pandemie was dit opnieuw mogelijk. De kwaliteit van de stage en de “goesting” van de leerlingen heeft niet geleden onder de pandemie. Dat lees je in de getuigenissen. De leerlingen en scholen zijn enthousiast en willen in april met plezier opnieuw op route in Europa.  

En toch!

Leerkrachten bundelen opnieuw de krachten om innovatieve lestechnieken en methodieken op poten te zetten. Zo is VTIO Hoogstraten een nieuwe HEV leerkoffer aan het ontwikkelen om lessen over elektrische voertuigen te geven. Met de steun van imec brengt de school onderwijs en werkveld samen om tot een geweldige innovatieve lestool te komen. En toch! Vlaamse scholen bereiden zich (voor het eerst sinds 2 jaar) voor op een live Belfair. BELFAIR is de jaarlijkse Belgische beurs voor virtuele bedrijven, georganiseerd door COFEP. Het is doorgaans een van de grootste beurzen voor virtuele bedrijven in Europa. Op een traditionele BELFAIR verwelkomen we meer dan 230 exposanten en 2500 bezoekers, verspreid over 2 dagen. De standhouders zijn virtuele bedrijven uit het secundair onderwijs, het hoger onderwijs en het volwassenenonderwijs. En toch! Leerlingen konden belangrijke opleidingen volgen en certificaten halen die hun overstap naar de arbeidsmarkt vergemakelijkt zoals een opleiding stellingsbouw waarna leerlingen van richtingen zoals bouw, hout, … het certificaat “werken op hoogte” ontvangen.

En toch!               

Hebben leerlingen intrigerende proeven ondernomen zoals de ontwikkeling van een zonneverwarmer van lege blikjes frisdrank.

Oogsten leerlingen voor het eerst aardbeien in hun nieuwe serres en maken volop plannen voor de uitbating van een winkel in de school.

Worden prachtige stoelen ontworpen en gemaakt in de stijl van Gerrit Rietveld (NL)

Gaan examens en eindwerken gewoon door 😊

En nu…

Alle opties liggen open voor 2022. De lucht gonst van de acitiviteit en plannen staan bol van de innovativiteit. Goede COVID cijfers werden gewenst onder de kerstboom om van 2022 een topjaar te maken.

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EYE 2021, high school students went to Strasbourg

EGInA Srl in association with the NGO CRHACK LAB took part in the European Youth Event (EYE) for the 2021 edition, involving nine students from schools of the territory (such as ITE Scarpellini, part of the ENNE Network).

Promoted by the European Parliament, the European Youth Event (EYE) is a two-yearly international event aimed at young people that promotes debates and open discussion on today’s topics and challenges.


For the students, participation in EYE 2021 was the final step of a PCTO course promoted and financed by EGInA Srl and CRHACK LAB.
The path offered training sessions on the European Union institution and the 17 UN goals for Sustainable Development; students also participated in the Social Hackathon Umbria 2021.

The European Youth Event gave them the opportunity to experience these topics first-hand.

This educational and international experience gave us the opportunity to get in touch with new cultures, realities and perspectives. We had the chance to visit new places and practise school subjects such as English and international law”.

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Blended Course, the italian experience

Since April, the High School “Rocco Chinnici” of Nicolosi, in the province of Catania, has participated in the “Blended training course on Erasmus KA2 project proposal writing” of the Consortium ENNE online. The course ended with a series
The course ended with a series of activities in Foligno, in which the English teacher Rita De Vita participated.
In general, the activities proposed online were motivating and engaging and allowed a greater acquisition of skills regarding the various stages of planning and the new criteria of Erasmus plus.

The face-to-face course in Foligno allowed an accurate comparison between teachers from different European countries: Portugal, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy. This facilitated the comparison of different school systems with totally unique specificities. singular specificities. Each teacher had the opportunity to learn new planning strategies and each teacher had the opportunity to learn new design strategies and to contribute their own ideas, which differed according to the teaching discipline and the school system. The use of the English language as a vehicle has proved fundamental in the implementation of the different projects prepared for the other partners. of the different projects prepared for the other partners.
We all hope that this fruitful experience will be repeated in the future.
We all hope, therefore, that this fruitful experience can be repeated over time, perhaps allowing more teachers from each individual institute to take part in the course in question. We all hope that this fruitful and fruitful experience can be repeated over time, perhaps allowing a greater number of teachers from each individual institute to take part in the course.