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Blended Course, the Portuguese experience in Italy

“The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth”

Erasmus of Rotterdam

The blended course on Erasmus+ KA2 project proposals writing, offered by the ENNE project,
started in April 2021 and ended in October 2021, with a face-to-face workshop in Foligno, Italy.

Five schools from the Portuguese National Network had the opportunity to send their
representatives to Foligno for the face-to-face workshop.
− Sandra Machado from Escola Secundária Francisco de Holanda, Guimarães, Portugal
− Isabel Amorim from Escola Secundária de Felgueiras, Felgueiras, Portugal
− Kelly Florêncio from Escola Profissional de Campanhã, Porto, Portugal
− Hugo Martins from ETAP – Escola Profissional, Caminha, Portugal
− Rita Oliveira from EPROMAT – Escola Profissional de Matosinhos, Matosinhos, Portugal

The group met for the first time at the airport, on the day of departure for Italy, and right there it was possible to see that the whole group shared the same spirit, which lasted until the last
day: to make the most of the experience to exchange knowledge, experiences, and to work on the projects proposals.
“I am a trainer, in the field of Tourism, and it was with great pleasure that I participated in the workshop in Foligno, in partnership with Arts & Skills. It was a very enriching experience, with the exchange of knowledge, sharing of methods, and the interaction with participants from several European countries and schools.”

“The face-to-face workshop in Foligno was my first Erasmus+ mobility experience. It allowed the
consolidation of the group work and the collaboration among the partners of the European ENNE network, particularly between the partners of my project proposal (group 2). It also
promoted synergies and the common interests among the different institutions present, which allowed the participants to establish new contacts, plan future collaborations and exchange
knowledge, experiences and resources.”

During the week of the face-to face workshop, the participants had a full programme: during the
mornings, everyone had the opportunity to work on their project proposals, and after lunch, they
were able to visit local schools and laboratories:
“The programme of the workshop always started with work sessions, including talks and small
conferences. These moments were very relevant to strengthen the work that had been
developed since the beginning of the course. The experience of exchange and sociocultural
the interaction was also a very important part of the training since it provided contact with local schools, laboratories and exchange of technical and cultural experiences.”
With a full and diverse programme and a very sunny week, the participants from the Portuguese
Network consider the workshop a success!

“This experience was an excellent time and context for socialisation among all of the partners.
My initial expectations were clearly exceeded. The organisation was irreprehensible. It was
possible to develop our work with the project proposals, according to the objectives, to visit other cities in the Umbria region and to have varied cultural experiences.”
“The organization was very well designed, from the working sessions to the logistics involved. It
was indeed an enriching week, full of exchanging knowledge, experiences, and insights that will always stay positive in my professional and personal path.”

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Inspirational event on internationalisation in VET

After a warm welcome, the 29 guests were presented with a short film to get a first impression of international internships for schools. This first attempt was well received and set the tone for the rest of the event.

In the next phase, a lot of information was given about what internationalization is, how it works, which strategies are used and so on. The concrete actions that can be taken for pupils and teachers through the ENNE and ErasDu projects were also discussed. From WBL to internships, from foreign competitions to the invitation of experts for training. Special attention was also paid to ENNE’s MOOC and blended course, both aimed at strengthening the possibilities of schools to set up their own projects.

We are already convinced. But nothing is strong as a colleague who shares his experiences. Both management and teachers were interviewed about their experiences which were very positive. The added value for all involved, school, teachers and students was discussed. In addition, space was also made for some problems that could arise and the way in which these are dealt with by those involved.4

Finally, Nevin was interviewed. Nevin (apprentice) was in Italy at the time for an administrative internship. She shared what she had already learned and what her experiences were like. The enthusiasm was great.

All the information and experiences raised a lot of (mainly) practical questions among those present. Such as the supervision of students, the replacement of teachers during their absence, financial concerns, etc. In the end, time was made to answer these questions.

Would you like to rewatch the entire event? That is possible via this link.


Dutch news

Belgen blended course van ENNE

5 Belgen namen deel aan de blended course van ENNE. Voor elk van hen was het een hele ervaring. De online start van de opleiding was niet voor iedereen even gemakkelijk. De combinatie met de lesopdracht was vaak moeilijk. Inhoudelijk waren de sessies erg interessant maar tegelijk ook verwarrend. De vorming van de partnerschappen verliep turbulent en onverwachte afvallers brachten heel wat onzekerheden met zich mee.  Door deze start waren de verwachtingen voor de face to face opleiding positief gespannen.

De Belgische deelnemers kenden elkaar nog niet persoonlijk. De 2 dagen voor de aanvang van de opleiding maakten ruimte voor een fijne kennismaking in een ontspannen, zonovergoten sfeer.

De aanwezige leerkrachten werden aangenaam verrast door de verandering die de face to face connectie met de andere deelnemers tot stand bracht. Het gaf het gevoel van een officiële start. Een echte kennismaking was over het algemeen niet echt meer nodig dankzij de online sessies. Afstemming van ideeën des te meer. Het vertrekpunt van elk project was anders. De deelnemers kregen instructies over het schrijven van een KA2 project waarmee ze aan de slag gingen. In “creativity in VET” konden met de hulp van de Belgische Mentor projectlijnen worden uitgezet en het schrijfproces beginnen. In andere projecten moest soms eerst nog heel wat afgestemd worden om alle projectpartners op 1 lijn te krijgen. Voor een dergelijk project was er door het volle schema onvoldoende tijd om met de uitwerking van het project ver te vorderen. Het gebruik van een Gantt-scheme tijdens de opleiding geeft wel houvast voor de verdere uitwerking van de aanvraag.

Naast het schrijfwerk aan de KA2 projecten betekende de opleiding een prachtige netwerkkans en een opportuniteit om vakgebonden kennis van de Engelse taal te ontwikkelen. Een bezoek aan een partnerschool bleek erg verrijkend zo verteld oa. Vanessa Bijnens van Level X te Hasselt:

“Het was heerlijk om te kunnen zien hoe de leerlingen hun creatieve skills ontwikkelen, hun manuele en digitale uitvoering van hun opdrachten te zien en zeker de presentatie van hun werken. Mensen leren kennen in hetzelfde vakgebied maar toch onder een andere creatieve vorm is geweldig. De manier van lesgeven in een ander land, in een andere taal maar de beleving van het creatieve internationaal mogen voelen en meemaken is voor mij met geen woorden te beschrijven.  GEWOONWEG FANTASTISCH!”

De meerwaarde van de blended opleiding en de totale internationale ervaring is onschatbaar. Een positieve ervaring van 1 leerkracht brengt een kettingreactie in de hele school teweeg. Andere leerkrachten worden geprikkeld door de blended avonturen maar ook de leerlingen ontdekken dankzij projecten, verhalen van leerkrachten enz. dat de wereld veel groter is dan gedacht ook op school. De mogelijkheden die zichtbaar worden geven een goede duw aan de groei die leerlingen doormaken.

De deelnemers stelden vast dat er veel te leren is van buitenlandse collega’s. De zoektocht naar manieren om leerlingen te motiveren en stimuleren is universeel en dat maakt een buitenlandse ervaring erg boeiend. Elke leerkracht zou op een bepaald punt in zijn/haar carriere moeten proeven van de wereld. Het geeft een boost aan het enthousiasme en verrijkt je als persoon en als leerkrachten. Het effect daarvan op je leerlingen is onvermijdelijk. Niemand blijft bij een volgende gelegenheid thuis. The sky is the limit.

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A review of the blended course from the German ENNE network

The project year is coming to an end – a good time to look back and ask the German participants in the blended course what they got out of it and what they took away from it … into their work, into their institutions and into the new year.

We asked the participants some questions about their impressions, experiences and insights. Read a selection of the answers here:

What did you gain from the course?

  • I was able to take away a lot, because the topic of application is always extensive and very time-consuming, especially if you are new to it.
  • It was very exciting to learn more about the possibilities of international projects and to deepen my knowledge.
  • I found the participation in the course very interesting because on the one hand it helped me to establish new partnerships and on the other hand I was able to learn more about KA2 projects and the entire application process.

What concrete suggestions did you take away from your work and your institution?

  • I benefited a lot from the exchange.
  • I think we will launch some projects in the hotel and catering sector in the future
  • I had never worked with some of the digital tools and platforms (Basecamp) before. That was exciting.

You participated in the workshop in Foligno, Italy. In one sentence: How was it?

  • Lots of information about KA2 projects and new contacts.
  • Very constructive and concentrated – not only in the morning in the course but also in the afternoon it never quite let us go.
  • I took away many personal impressions from Italy, such as the visit to the agricultural school. Touristically, I found the visit to Assisi particularly impressive.

What impressed you most during the course?

  • The dedication of the team. You always got a well-founded and, above all, super friendly answer at any time.
  • I was totally impressed how quickly and straightforwardly we got into conversation and joint work with the Portuguese partners after just a few hours and the application was essentially ready at the end of the workshop week in Italy.

Many thanks to the network partners for their commitment and feedback!

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To Foligno and back, the Bulgarian experience

As part of the Blended training course on Erasmus KA2 project proposals writing the Bulgarian
participants have provided short feedback on the Face-to-face adventure of Foligno 18-22
October 2021.

After some challenges due to the global pandemic, the three network members,
Eng. Irina Mishkova-Yotova, Eng. Kalin Ivanov and Mr Rusev successfully managed to take
active part in the residential training.

Here is what they are highlighting regarding the learning experience that they have:

“The most helpful part was the online meetings and going through each step of the KA210
application process because it is a relatively new format of submitting project proposals that I
believe will prove to be a good way to conduct VET activities without requiring many partner
organizations or large funding. The most practical part was the attendance and the mobility in
Italy, because we had the opportunity to meet our partners in person, discuss our ideas, get timely
advice from experts in the field of creating project proposals (from Egina), and write them up in

“Communicating with colleagues in English and sharing experiences. Working through the
project documentation – accurately and clearly articulating the aims, objectives, activities, target
groups and their contribution to the skills development of the participants, as well as the
usefulness of the project for the development, accreditation and establishment of the schools as
an institution with a future.”

“Everything was interesting for me, this is the first time I have encountered Erasmus projects,
the team was well prepared, from the training on how to use the platform to the different
presentations on the layout of the project proposal itself. The whole training was extremely useful
because meeting the partners from other countries, as well as touring the localities and schools,
gives us many practical ideas that we can use. In this way, we were able to exchange different
ideas and determine the effectiveness of teaching methods”.

The participants are also sharing some impressions and feelings about the journey:

“I most enjoyed my stay in majestic Rome. The cultural heritage that has been preserved and is
open to the public is extremely precious, incredibly beautiful, impressive, spectacular and
provides the opportunity to experience a part of the historical past.”

“I was impressed with our visit to the Agricultural School in Todi. The way they have organized
the training of their students- a complete closed system including the production and creation of
their own brand of products. The rich technical facilities, experimental fields and laboratory that
the school has been impressive.”

“The part of the service trip that I enjoyed the most was visiting vocational and specialized
schools and having the opportunity to learn about their activities, management, facilities and to
gain inspiration for my future work in Bulgaria. Sharing good practices with colleagues from Italy
was very valuable as they apply/suggest solutions to a number of situations that may arise in the
process of work in VET and in our country.”

Dutch news Geen onderdeel van een categorie

opleiding douanedeclarant

Voor het eerst werd de opleiding (assistent) douanedeclarant nationaal door syntra ingericht. Er kon een samenwerking opgezet worden met Deloitte en Logos waardoor veel expertise naar de cursisten kon stromen.

Via een gevarieerd aanbod van klassikale en individuele sessies en door gebruik te maken van blended learning kon dit als een echt succes bekroond worden. De inschrijvingen stijgen navenant.

Deze opleiding biedt heel wat kansen op werk in een internationale setting.


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Digital to grow

In November 2020 ITE SCARPELLINI participated in the competition “Digital Innovation 2020” promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education in collaboration with Anitec-Assinform (the Association for Information and Technological Communication of Confindustria) which involved high schools in various areas of Italy.

The evaluation committee chose four projects that received the “National Award on Digital Innovation”. They conferred also five special mentions, between which the one assigned to ITE SCARPELLINI in the framework of the Erasmus KA3 project Digital Tourism.

The mention was referred to the Institute’s proposal to adopt the 3 years Digital Tourism Technician Course created by the international partnership of the project to the Italian school system, beginning the process to update the existing tourist course with new digital learning outcomes.


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National Competition “In the name of respect”

The students of ITE SCARPELLINI was awarded during  the National Competition, “In the name of Respect”, Tuesday, June 15, online mode.

The 4E TUR class with the video “A look at the past to build the future” got the highest award and a cash prize, surpassing 430 candidates for the Upper Secondary School section.

The students, supervised by the teacher Maria Carla Cicciola, project coordinator for the theme “Identity and respect for cultural heritage”, have created a short clip using a collage of photos and drawings. The content invites us to reflect on the importance of understanding, living, feeling the value of the environment that surrounds us and the heritage that someone before us has been able to pass on to us, in order to raise the quality of our behaviour and be respectful of everything else from ourselves.

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Tech.Lab Project

The project Tech.Lab, from Escola Profissional de Felgueiras, aims at the integration among Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, and it represents the strategy and vision of the school.

With this project, the school intends to potentiate synergies and the interdisciplinary dynamics in the technological areas of the schools’ programme, such as Design/Clothing, Electronics/Automation, Management and Multimedia.

This new space is designed to be stimulating and demonstrative of good practices and culture of Project Based Learning (PBL) and Know-How. In addition, the involvement of external partners and the joint development of integrated solutions is actively sought.

Dutch news

Augmented reality in car mechanics

EV’nAR is an augmented reality tool for the hololens developed by education for education. The rapid technological developments in the automotive industry present schools and teachers with many intellectual and material challenges. EV’nAR was developed for the direction of automotive technology more specifically for classes on electric vehicles where the following specific challenges arise:

1. The purchase of electric vehicles is usually financially impossible for technical schools. Moreover, technology is developing rapidly. Today’s large investment may already be obsolete in a few school years. One more reason for schools to hesitate.
2. If a school does have an electric vehicle available there are several barriers. Most electrical components are invisible in the vehicle (covered). For safety reasons, they are hidden. The hololens makes all components visible. Many teachers also admit that they are reluctant to allow students to work on such a vehicle because of the safety risks.

The possibility to teach on a holographic electric vehicle without any safety problems, sky-high costs and with all the visual possibilities is much appreciated by the Flemish teachers but also from the Netherlands the questions follow at high speed.

EV’nAR provides a didactic and budget-friendly solution for lessons in working safely with electric vehicles.

Didactic added value for education
The development of EV’nAR combined with the need for distance learning tools (cfr. challenges COVID 19) has woken up schools to the possibilities offered by augmented reality. As a result, new learning strategies are being developed where augmented reality has a role to play. The old system consists mainly of pre-teaching, teaching/evaluation and ends in the workplace. The cycle is complemented by technology that is gaining momentum including virtual reality and augmented reality.

We build up from blended learning and the application of VR within the school context to the learning of competencies in the workplace, supported by the integration of augmented reality applications.
Each learning form will by no means be applicable in every context, but through the different phases, we try to create a picture where VR and AR in the learning process reach their optimal point. (Strategy developed by Go! Technisch Atheneum Keerbergen, Steven Hendrickx))

The didactic added value of augmented reality with the hololens in a teaching situation is situated on different levels:
Classically, the teacher can teach with the hololens on. By streaming the image he/she can show all the components regarding the electric drive system of the car as well as how to de-energize it to the students. This possibility is also very useful for distance learning.
After the lesson, students can repeat the material at their own pace and test their ability to safely de-energize a vehicle.