The High School “G. Turrisi Colonna” offers a wide range of training options:
The mission of the School is the continuous improvement of quality training programmes.
The School is committed to achieving the following objectives:
“Colonna Portante” is the monthly School Magazine containing highly engaging text types that students and teachers look forward to reading issue after issue.
How to engage learners’ attention more effectively in an online environment? And what short exercises and creative activities can educators use? To help teachers and
The ENNE Project Accreditation for KA1 Mobility is still going on and Italian teachers and students went abroad. In May and June, thanks to ENNE,
3 day of full work for partners involved in K TOUR – A Key for sustainable and accessible tourism – the latest meeting was held
The MAKER SCHOOLS project (Enhancing Student Creativity and STEM Engagement by Integrating 3D Design and Programming into Secondary School Learning) is a recent initiative to
De steun van de Europese Commissie voor de productie van deze publicatie houdt geen goedkeuring in van de inhoud die alleen de standpunten van de auteurs weergeeft. De Commissie kan niet verantwoordelijk worden gesteld voor het gebruik dat van de informatie in deze publicatie wordt gemaakt.
Projectnummer: Nr 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR