PTI Kortrijk
Address: Graaf Karel De Goedelaan 7, Kortrijk, West-Vlaanderen, 8500
Telephone: +32 0800 20 021
Website: west-vlaanderen.be
Main working field(s) of the Job-shadowing activity
Good practice or activities to share
1. Improve teaching methods in aquaponics. We already involve our pupils in aquaponics and we can share these practices with our colleagues. We are however keen on improving ourselves and are thus searching for better ways to teach this topic.
2. Laboratory work. The school has invested several years in developing a biotechnical education for her pupils. Certain colleagues have however retired so we need to educate our current teachers in laboratory works. Some of them have experience which they can share with other VET organizations, but we also have a lot to learn.
3. STEM education in horticulture. There are a lot of new technologies which are applicable to horticulture. We already make use of some of them (e.g. adjustable lighting in vertical cultivation systems) but we need to involve pupils here as well.
4. Flower arranging. Our department concerned with flower arranging often participates in fairs where they need to reinvent themselves each time. It could be an interesting approach to see how other countries take on these challenges.
5. Animal husbandry. PTI Kortrijk has been providing an education on animal husbandry since 2009. We have good practices when it comes to raising chickens, fish, reptiles, horses, etcetera, which can be shared. Otherwise, we keep an eye out for new species to breed, which implies that we need to foresee new housing for these species. It could be interesting to help with building the necessary housing for new species. One of our latest additions is a certain species of crab (Perisesarma Bidens).
Expectations for future collaborations
KA1 exchange of Students/staff
Our aim is mainly to give our pupils a chance to participate in Erasmus projects. But in order to keep our staff up to date with current educational tools, we want to end them abroad as well. We believe that professionalisation of our teachers is a key aspect.
Expectations regarding the profile of staff to host
1. If possible I would like to receive colleagues form the partner schools (Bulgaria – Kalin Ivanov, Italy – Giovanni Fioranni) in our project. If they could visit our school I could adapt the schedule so we could write our project proposal which is due 22nd of March.
If possible I could arrange a meeting with the Dutch partners of our project as well.
2. If not I would propose this visit to teachers who are involved in the named sectors.
Overall program for the job-shadowing opportunity
The program underneath is aimed at teachers which are part of our project on aquaponics. For other teachers, the program could be altered a little.
Day 1
– Welcome to school
– Introduction of school and its representatives
– Visit school’s facilities
– Timeslot to work on the project
Day 2
– Timeslot to work on the project
– Visit 2nd department of our school
– Attending a practical class on aquaponics
– Discussion with other teachers of PTI Kortrijk
Day 3
– Cultural visit of Kortrijk
– Lunch
– Free time
Day 4
– Timeslot to work on the project
– Attending a practical laboratory class on aquaponics (focus on biotechnical sciences)
– Visit one of our partners in the Smart-Aquaponics project (Odysee, ULiege, PCG)
Day 5
– Timeslot to work on the project
– Visit an aquaponic farm.
From 7 until 11 February 2022.
From 14 to 18 February 2022.
From 21 to 25 February 2022:
From 14 to 18 March 2022 – Some pupils do have exams in this period
From 19th to 22nd of April 2022.
From 25th to 29th of April 2022.
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Projectnummer: Nr 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR