ENNE Project: the great opportunity for students and teachers


ENNE Project is a virtuous tool to promote VET (Vocal Education Training) in Europe. Based on European needs regards to VET, ENNE Project is realizing an education and training network to get in contact with all stakeholders involved.

The Project has already involved 5 schools for each country for total of 25 institutes in Europe respectively from Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Bulgaria and Germany.

The target group are VET providers, mostly VET schools, VET learners, SMEs, students’ families and other stakeholders.
The expected overall impact is not only to build up national networks whose members will benefit from projects activities and products, but also to set up a new sustainable cooperation among VET schools from different countries in order to create long-term synergies to enhance VET attractiveness.

With reference to VET Staff, teachers and trainers will be involved thanks to a direct contact with partner organisations, especially with the VET Schools of National Networks. They are the first users of ENNE Project in terms of capacity building and exchange of good practises. In particular VET learners will be part of the activities and dissemination plan with multiplier events organized during the European Vocational Skills Week.

Within this framework, project partners have carried out a needs analysis based on direct interviews to VET schools, official national data and Cedefop reports.
In the 5 project countries it has emerged that the main challenges faced by VET providers are:

  • Difficulty in providing flexible access to vocational education and training and turning it into an attractive learning opportunity;
  • Lack of cooperation between VET schools at regional and national level, often due to poor distribution of information;
  • Lack of competences in the field of implementation and management of national and European instruments;
  • Lack of HR available to invest time and effort in developing knowledge about the EU tools, instruments and programs, especially without external help;
  • Scarce implementation of quality assurance instruments;
  • Difficulty to access mobility opportunities and lack of transparency in VET mechanisms and processes;
  • Lack of contacts with EU VET providers;
  • Lack of a European or Internationalization strategy, in most of the schools, internationalization is usually limited to specific projects. 

In order to face these challenges, our project wants to encourage further cooperation among VET providers to give them the necessary skills and tools for the improvement of the internationalization strategies with a special focus on WBL and mobility.