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VET4FUTURE – Conferência online

O futuro do EFP no próximo programa Erasmus + 2021-2027

Por ocasião da próxima Semana Europeia de Competências Profissionais 2020, e após um ano desde o início das atividades do projeto, os parceiros do projeto “ENNE – Redes Nacionais Europeias para a Melhoria do EFP” irão celebrar o estabelecimento formal de 5 redes nacionais de EFP em Itália, Bulgária, Alemanha, Portugal e Bélgica com a organização de uma conferência interativa online sobre o futuro do EFP no próximo programa Erasmus + 2021-2027!

O evento está agendado para segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2020, das 15h00 às 17h30 (hora de Bruxelas), e está aberto a todos os interessados ​​em saber mais sobre as próximas atividades de formação e mobilidade oferecidas pelo consórcio ENNE, bem como em interagir e participar no networking com especialistas e profissionais de EFP de toda a Europa.


  • A sala ZOOM estará aberta a partir de 14.45 CEST
  • 00 / 15.20: Boas-vindas e discurso de abertura.

Sr. Luca PIROZZI, Diretor de Políticas de EFP na EAECA (Agência Executiva de Educação, Audiovisual e Cultura da Comissão Europeia)

  • 20 / 15.40: Apresentação do projeto ENNE e das atividades de formação internacional para valorização do EFP.

Sr. Altheo Valentini, coordenador de projetos da European Grants International Academy

  • 40 / 16.00: ENNE MOOC – Como planear e implementar projetos de mobilidade de qualidade no domínio do EFP.

Sra. Sabine Roehrig-Mahhou, Diretora Administrativa do Wisamar Educational Institute

  • 16h00 / 17h00: Oficinas temáticas.

Os participantes irão juntar-se a salas dedicadas onde os membros das redes nacionais ENNE apresentarão boas práticas, em cinco domínios diferentes, relevantes para as políticas e iniciativas da UE:

  • Reconhecimento / validação de competências em FCT (Formação em Contexto de Trabalho – estágios nacionais / mobilidade transnacional / etc.)
  • Inclusão Social no EFP (Incapacidades, migrantes, desvantagens econômicas, etc.)
  • Transformação Digital / Ensino à Distância
  • Sustentabilidade e contribuição do EFP para a realização dos objetivos da Agenda 2030 da ONU
  • Capacitação do pessoal de EFP
  • 17h00 / 17h30: Destaques da conferência e mesa redonda final para apresentar as recomendações, das salas temáticas, sobre as prioridades do EFP a salientar no próximo período de programação.

Facilitado pelo Sr. Ludmil Manev, Diretor Executivo do European Centre for Quality Ltd. e Presidente da EAQOM – European Association of Quality Intermediary Organizations in Mobility.

Não perca a oportunidade de conhecer a comunidade ENNE!


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Restorative Justice for All International Institute CIC

The RJ4All International Institute is a charitable NGO with a mission to advance community cohesion and human rights locally, nationally and internationally. We redistribute power in a more equal way by delivering social justice projects, educational, sport and art-based programmes as well as high-quality volunteering and mobility opportunities to the most marginalised groups of society. Our e-courses and VET training opportunities are just one of the many vehicles that we use to rebalance power.
The RJ4All International Institute is a Vocational, Educational and Training provider that follows the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). This is a technical framework that has been introduced by the European Commission and which supports the transfer, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes across Europe. ECVET provides a set of principles and tools that facilitate the process of learner recognition, with a view to achieving a qualification. Our e-courses are developed within the ECVET Framework. Through the use of
learning outcomes, ECVET allows for an improved design and enhanced quality assurance in the delivery of our e-courses and in-person, training programmes.

In addition, some of our courses have a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) status meaning that successful completion leads to a CPD Certification. CPD points/ units are awarded depending on the weight of each course.
For our young learners, courses that have been designed as part of our Erasmus+ funded projects, we offer YouthPass. Furthermore, RJ4All has the Quality Mark from the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) as a receiving and sending organisation. Therefore, young people who under-take our e-courses as part of our ESC programmes, can also receive ESC Certificate of Participation.
Besides e-courses, we also offer a wide range of training courses that we have accredited with CPD status for professionals and YouthPass for young people.
The courses can run from half (3 hours) to a whole day (6 hours) and include the following topics:
– Introduction to restorative justice (1 module)
– Restorative justice & victims’ rights: The Victims’ Directive (3 modules)
Human Rights and young people (3 modules)
– Restorative justice in higher education settings (3 modules)
Young Citizens: Rights & Responsibilities (2 modules)
– The Victims’ Directive 2012/29/EU: Empowering Professionals (3 modules)
Young people and the criminal justice system (2 modules)
Restorative justice & complex cases (hate crimes, DV, GBV etc) (3 modules)
Gender-based violence & working with victims & offenders (2 modules)
The user-led model of research, policy and practice (2 modules)
Conflict resolution (workplace, schools, private affairs) (2 modules)
Bullying: prevention and control (1 module)
Preventing violent radicalisation and restorative justice (3 modules)


RJ4All is also active on social media. We would be delighted to connect with ENNE and project partners across the following platforms. If you are interested in commissioning an e-course from the RJ4All International Institute please email

RJ4All Website Training
RJ4All E-courses