Business High School, Burgas
Address: 8000 Burgas, 1 Georgi Shagunov str
Telephone: +359 0889199555
Website: blog.tg-bs.com
In the beginning of the 20th century, the Bulgarian state entered a very dynamic period. In the situation of overall industrial upsurge, the pubic expressed the need of opening a business school. By means of Instruction No 21360 dated 7 September 1905 of the Ministry of Commerce and Agriculture, a recommendation was made to the primary school to open I-year classes of a secondary business school.
At a municipal meeting attended by the primary school’s director and the chair of the school council, a decision was made: “to open a secondary business school on 1 October 1905”.
Under the skilled management of the directors, Georgi Belev (1905 – 1911), Stefan Kotov (1911 – 1933), Konstantin Kiprilov (1935 – 1939), the Business High School had a leading place among vocational schools in the city and the country. The teachers there had graduated from prestigious Bulgarian and foreign universities.
The teachers’ main educational objectives were related to forming personalities with rich erudition and professionalism. Serious attention was paid to behavioural upbringing aimed at building civil virtues. These traditions have been carried on into the future. The national business mixed high school, Business Vocational School, Nacho Ivanov business vocational high school, and the Business high school have inherited the traditions of the Burgas Business High School established in 1905.
Burgas is situated on the Black Sea, in the south-eastern part of the country. It is the fourth largest city in Bulgaria and is smaller and less crowded than other
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Este projeto é financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. Este website reflete apenas o ponto de vista dos autores e a Comissão não pode ser responsabilidade por qualquer uso que possa ser feito da informação nele contida.
Número de acordo: 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR