Vocational High School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Maria Sklodovska – Curie”, Sliven
Address: Sliven 8800, 21, Bansko Shosse St.
Telephone: +359 44 622 136
Website: pgee-sliven.bg
The Vocational high school of electrical engineering and electronics “Maria Sklodovska – Curie”, Sliven was established in 1962.
It offers education and training in the following majors:
The vocational high school has a learning corpus and a training and production sector with 7 labs, 9 specialised workshops and 2 computer labs, equipped in accordance with the majors’ learning plans.
Learning practice is carried out in partnership with local business partners – MG Computers, Pit Stop car service, Electra MS and Kolhida.
The school continually improves the learning environment, meeting modern needs and the requirements of the business and employers.
Since 2008, VHSEEE has worked on EU-funded projects. 8 international projects have been funded under Lifelong Learning programme – the Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus+ programmes. 120 students and 33 teachers have participated in project mobilities.
Within the Erasmus+ programme, VHSEEE implements a project in KA2 School education for prevention and reduction of early school drop-offs – “Let’s break the ice with school”. The high school is one of the 42 pilot schools selected for the approbation of a career orientation programme for secondary school students under project BG05M2OP001-2.001-0001 “School education career orientation system”, financed by OP “Science and Education for Intelligent Growth”.
In 2019 the high school also successfully implemented a project under Erasmus+, KA1 “Adopting innovative technologies in the field of digital software and cyber security – CYBERTRAIN” in a consortium with two other schools.
All these projects contribute to creating a favourable environment to strengthen the intellectual potential and professional fulfillment of students and enhance links between the educational institution and Sliven’s business in accordance with the labour market’s needs.
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Este projeto é financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. Este website reflete apenas o ponto de vista dos autores e a Comissão não pode ser responsabilidade por qualquer uso que possa ser feito da informação nele contida.
Número de acordo: 608964-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR