The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany (ITKAM)
Address: Corneliusstraße 18, Frankfurt/Main, 60325, GERMANY
Telephone: +49 69 97145210
Website: itkam.org/de
Students: 150
The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany (ITKAM) is a German registered non-profit bilateral association, founded 1911. ITKAM has three offices in Germany, Frankfurt am Main (Headquarter) Berlin and Leipzig (Regional Offices) as well as representative offices in Italy and Austria.
ITKAM counts over 400 member companies. Every year, ITKAM provides around 500 Italian and German companies with business support. Furthermore, ITKAM has been implementing and managing many successful European projects in various fields such as innovation, tourism, renewable energy, entrepreneurial support and mobility of students and staff.
In 2019 only, ITKAM hosted 150 Italian high-school students who carried out short-term internships in German companies.
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